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the next day, sydney was alone in the studio. alex had gone to see his ghost friend again, while luke was hanging out with julie somewhere. sydney wasn't sure where reggie was, but she didn't mind being alone. now that they were dead sydney barely got any time to herself, since they basically had no one to hang out with except each other.

she was sitting at the piano with her song book open, laying it on the top of the piano in front of her. she had been sitting and staring at it for a while, even she didn't know how much time had passed since she sat down.

she wanted to write, but she was scared about what would come out. she couldn't seem to get reggie out of her head, no matter how much she tried. she used to think it was just a small crush, but now it was like her feelings were crushing her. she couldn't stop them from growing. every time she looked into the blue of his eyes she fell harder.

she was lost in her own thoughts, so much so that she didn't even realize when she began softly pressing the keys on the piano. it was like she was playing background music for herself. it just helped her calm down and slow her thoughts slightly.

all she knew was that she had to get rid of these feelings. she couldn't let herself fall for reggie, partly because of luke, but also because she truly believed there was no way he would like her back. she was just his bandmate's little sister, not someone he would ever see in any way other than that.

she continued playing the melody, copying it down from the keys to her song book. she didn't write any lyrics yet, she was still afraid of what she might sing if she let herself.

her attention was drawn away from the piano when reggie walked through the studio doors. sydney's breath caught in her throat and she stopped playing abruptly, his wide grin making her lose all focus as her head fell into a dizzy fog.

"hey." he greets her with a smile, sitting on the piano bench next to her and sliding her book towards him. he read it over quickly and nodded, his smile growing slightly as he began to play it.

sydney grinned, looking up at him. he was focused on the music sheet in front of him, biting his lip slightly in concentration.

just from looking at him, sydney couldn't stop herself. she began singing the words that had already been floating around in her head.

You make me lose control
Your fingers on my bones
I'm slippin' through the floor
So baby, don't crush me

sydney looked down at her hands as she noticed reggie glance at her. her hands were shaking slightly in her lap and she took a deep breath, trying to slow her rapid heart rate.

she felt like she stopped breathing when reggie started singing softly, continuing the song. she smiled slightly and looked at him again, feeling herself fall into his blue eyes all over again.

'Cause there's no exit here
Nowhere to disappear
There's not a single tear
So baby, don't crush me

reggie stopped playing for a moment, the two just staring at each other with small smiles. for a moment, sydney forgot the rest of the world existed. all she could see was him.

she looked back down at the piano, placing her hands back on the key and continuing into the next part of the song.

It's just the way you are
The way that you walk
The way that you talk
The way that you read me, baby

reggie watched her intently as she played, listening to the words, and the sound of her voice, and focusing on not just blurting out how much he cares for her. he wanted to tell her, but he wanted to do it the right way, at the right time. he just wasn't sure when or where that would be yet.

Melody and Words - jatp/reggieWhere stories live. Discover now