Mako Island? Never heard of it.

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Freya POV

We're in Australia, it's actually nice here. It's really warm, sunny, and- ooh she's pretty. Ahem, back on track, the beach house is nice. It's a little much but what else do you expect out of Klaus. 

"Hey Freya"

The voice took me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Davina. 

"Oh, hey Davina. What's up?"

"Well, I was out walking and I found this cute place called the Juicenet Cafe."

Where was she going with this? "Oh, that's nice."

"Yeah, um, I also heard about this island..supposedly it's magical."

Now she's got my attention. "Where is this island?"

"Just off the coast apparently, it's a bit far out but you can get there by boat."

Names, I need names. "What's it called?"

"! Mako!"

"Mako Island? Never heard of it."

"Well I kind of want to see it....can you come with me?"

Hell, it's a magical island...maybe. "Sure, why not"


Later that day

Freya and Davina were down at the docks, trying their best to get a boat. Well, Davina was for that matter, Freya was just standing around watching pretty girls walk by. Then she spotted Hayley and Rebekah waking together. She poked Davina's shoulder.

"Hey, don't poke me"

Freya sighed. "Hayley and Beks are over there. They can compel this guy to give you a boat."

Davina, who really wanted a boat. Began jumping up and down, waving her arms. "REBEKAH!!! HAYLEY!!!" 

Rebekah and Hayley looked over. Davina called to them again, "CAN YOU COME OVER HERE??"

Hayley looked at Rebekah, who shrugged and started walking towards them. Davina did a small fist pump. Once, they got over there, Rebekah compelled the guy to let them take a boat. Then Davina turned to them, "Thanks!", there was a pause and she contemplated whether to ask them or not. "Hey, would you guys want to come to Mako Island with us?"

Rebekah looked at her with an unreadable expression before saying, "Hayley?"

Hayley shrugged, "Why not? Everything else is closing and it's getting sure."

Davina smiled, "Alright let's go!"


A/N: Thanks for reading again! I hope you like it so far.

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