That wasn't supposed to happen

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Davina POV

I was mortified. Kol can't know about my tail! What if he hates it? What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he thinks I'm a freak and a liar and-

My thoughts were interrupted by everyone starting to move around. We were going to the beach. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no no. 


Freya POV

We're going to the beach, with tails. Not just any tails, mermaid tails. Mermaid tails as in mermaids-that-not-even-1000-year-old-vampires-or-witches-knew-existed-and-still-don't-because-only-4-of-them-have-these-mermaid-tails. 

But after the look Hayley and Rebekah gave me, I can tell they have a plan. I'm just not sure what that plan is. And if it's even going to work. 


Hayley POV

The closer we get to the beach, the more scared I get. Rebekah and I talked about our plan while we were changing, but that doesn't mean it will work. I know Rebekah and I know she has to be feeling the same way. But what if Elijah finds out..... I don't even want to think about that right now. In order for our plan to work, we have to act normal. 

I can tell Freya and Davina are tense. That makes me feel worse. They don't know the plan. They don't have that reassurance that Rebekah and I do. 


Rebekah POV

I have a plan. It's going to work. At least that's what I keep telling myself. I know the guys are catching on, but that's not my fault. It's Davina's. From what I heard from Hayley. She's the reason that they were stuck in the bathroom for so long. I have to give her some credit. If she didn't find out first, someone else would've sprouted a tail in front of everyone while I was gone. That thought made my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. I wanted to puke, even though I can't. 


At the beach

The plan was simple. Don't go in the water. Just act like you want to sunbathe and talk. Hayley still had her shirt on, she was a bit self-conscious of her body, she was wearing a pink swimsuit. Rebekah wasn't, she took her shirt off before they even got to the beach, she wanted everyone to see her blue swimsuit. Davina waited until they got to the beach to reveal her black swimsuit, as did Freya, but her suit was dark blue. 

They laid out their towels. The girls were all wearing jean shorts and bikini tops, except Hayley who still had her shirt on. The guys were wearing swim shorts. 


Rebekah POV

I told the guys I didn't want to go in the water since I went in this morning. That was a mistake. I should have known Klaus's will to disappoint, uh I mean to annoy others would take over. 

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as he walked down to the water. I froze, I went into panic mode. I knew I had about 10 seconds to swim away before my tail appeared. But what If I didn't get away in time? Oh no. We were right over the water. Sometimes I really hate my brother. I snapped out of my panic-induced trance and yelled, "Klaus if you put me in that water I swear-"

"Calm down little sister it's just water it won't bite." He said, cutting me off. 

'He's so rude and annoying why does he have to- no.' Oh no. I felt the water on my toes. I froze counting down the seconds in my head. 10, 9-


Hayley POV

Oh no. Rebekah's in the water. She's not moving. I was counting down the seconds in my head. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6-. Then she looked at me and ran into the ocean. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. Elijah looked at me. Confused. 'Don't ask, don't ask, don't ask' 

"Hayley," he said. 

"Oh come on!" I said and I realized I said it out loud. Everyone looked at me funny. Now Klaus was back. 

Klaus was looking at me, his eyes were squinted a bit. " What was that for?" 

Oh, shoot. What do I say? Rebekah is so much better at lying than I am. 

"Uh.." I squeaked out. 

Oh my gosh, I couldn't have made it any worse and then I squeaked??? I said Uh??? Oh no. 

"I don't know, I mean uh I do, wait no I don't I-" Then Klaus cut me off. 

"Are you ok?" He said. 

"No" I responded. OH, HOW DO I KEEP MAKING THIS WORSE? I hate pressure, I want to cry, do I look like I'm going to cry? Is that why he asked if I'm ok? 

"No?" He asked. Everyone was looking at me now. Davina looked mortified. Freya looked worried. Rebekah was gone. Elijah probably hates me. Klaus is pressuring me. Marcel and Kol are shooting daggers at me. What am I going to do?

 What am I going to do?

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