Almost There

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Bonnie, Klaus, Kai, Elijah, and Kol filed back into the Salvatore Mansion. Elena was fighting with Stefan and Damon because she swore she didn't do anything to the girls. 

"They weren't there," Bonnie said. "They wouldn't happen to be here would they?"

Elena ignored her, "I didn't do it! Why would I do that? Why would I purposely put multiple people in harm's way?"

"You would do that because you're a whining, selfish, little brat. If you don't get your way you throw a tantrum and do something you know you're not supposed to do. " Bonnie shot at her.

 She was feeling extremely defensive, Caroline was missing along with 5 other girls who she had taken a liking to, even if they had a rough past. Elena sat there shocked, she didn't expect Bonnie to say something like that to her. She didn't know how to react, neither did anyone else. 

Elena finally spoke, "Is that how you really feel about me?" 

Bonnie stared at her with angry eyes, "Yes. It is."

Elena opened her mouth to say something, instead she just muttered, "Why?"

"6 girls are missing, Elena. 6! Now we have no idea where they are, and it's your fault they're gone. If you had just gotten over yourself, and let them be, we would at least know where they are." Bonnie said. 

Elena nodded, she didn't really know how to react. it was her fault, she knew that.  She just didn't think this would happen. 


Somewhere deep in the ocean

The 6 mermaids swam all night. When the sun came up, the spell went away and they were no longer moonstruck. They remembered everything though. They found a small, sandy island and swam up to shore, dried off, and talked. 

"Where are we?" Hayley said. She had a strange feeling. 

"I don't know, but it feels familiar," Rebekah replied, she had the same strange feeling. 

"We're in the middle of the ocean, yet it feels familiar," Katherine sighed. 

"Maybe we're getting close," Davina said. Everyone turned to look at her. 

"Close to what?" Caroline asked. 

"Close to the deep. Like the voice said," Davina replied. 

Freya nodded, "She's right, we have to be getting close, there is no other explanation."

"Well good, because I'm tired from swimming all night. Anyone else want to take a quick nap? Or two?" Katherine said. 

Caroline opened her mouth to object, but then realized she was quite tired as well, "Yeah, I'm down."

Everyone else agreed. They all fell asleep very quickly. Sand was pretty comfortable after all. 



Katherine and Caroline woke up. They saw the sun in the distance. 

"Is the sun rising or setting?" Caroline asked.

"It's rising, the sun rises in the East, you idiot," Katherine replied.

"How do you know that's east?" Caroline asked again. 

"I-, well I don't actually, "Katherine replied again. 

" I think it's setting because the moon is over there," Davina said as she woke up, pointing to the moon. 

"Oh, that makes sense," Caroline replied. 

Everyone else woke up slowly. 

"What are we going to eat?" Rebekah asked. 

"I don't know, we didn't plan this far," Freya replied.

"We didn't plan this far because we didn't know we were going to do this until last night in the Moon Pool," Katherine said. "This is why we shouldn't do things on a whim."

"Well, obviously we were supposed to do this because the crystals-" Davina started.

"Blah blah blah, crystals this, crystals that. What if the crystals don't have good intentions?" Katherine cut her off.

"They're crystals, I don't think they have any intentions," Hayley said. 

Katherine made a face that said, 'Point made'. Then they looked around at each other.

After a while of waiting, they caught a fish. Davina used her power to cook it. They didn't really know what else to do for food so they just did that. They finished eating. The sun had set, and the moon was rising. 

"Should we go?" Rebekah asked. 

"Go where?" Caroline looked at her. 

"Into the deep," Rebekah responded. 


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