The Last Crystal

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Caroline pulled up the floorboard and sure enough, the blue crystal was in there. She had made hers into a necklace as well. Then she realized Elena might get jealous and take it, so she stashed it under this exact floorboard and forgotten about it.

She didn't know if she should tell the others that she had the crystal, but she didn't want them to spend forever looking for it. So, that's why Caroline picked up the necklace and walked back down the stairs with it.

She felt nervous. She didn't know why, it was just a crystal after all. But she liked it, and she had found it.

Everyone was deep into a conversation about mermaids, a Moon Pool, and the 6th mermaid. 'A 6th mermaid?' She wondered. Then she remembered, the one who found the crystal was going to be the 6th mermaid.

She put the crystal in her back pocket and walked over to the group. Bonnie looked at her.

"You have it don't you?" Bonnie said.

Caroline panicked, "Have what?"

"The last crystal, I can sense it." Bonnie responded.

Everyone was looking at Caroline now. She didn't know what to do. Why was she supposed to be the last mermaid? She didn't know.

She nodded slowly and took the crystal out of her pocket. She looked over at Elena, Elena looked angry and jealous. Then she stalked out the room.

Elena POV

I was beyond jealous and was a bit angry. Caroline got to be the 6th mermaid. Not me.

Caroline always gets everything! I wanted both brothers, just like Katherine. But no! Caroline had to come in and get Stefan to fall in love with her.

What did she have that I didn't? She wasn't even pretty! She was dumb blonde, and she was a man stealer. She also got what I wanted, to be a mermaid.

If I was the mermaid, I could've gotten both brothers. Just like I wanted. Ugh! It's so unfair!

I know Bonnie doesn't even really like me anymore, Caroline does but I wish she didn't. She's so annoying! Her squeaky voice and how she's singing all the time.

Why can't I get what I want for once? Ah ha! I know what to do! I'll cry, I have Damon wrapped around my finger and if he hears me crying he will want to know what's wrong and surely he will tell the others I'll be the better mermaid!
Caroline POV
I watched as Elena stomped out of the living room.
She can be such a jerk sometimes. Especially if she doesn't get what she wants. She's like a toddler but it's worse because she's an adult.

Now Klaus is back. I know Stefan is in love with me but lately I just haven't felt that spark I used to feel for him. I never stopped feeling that for Klaus, I just pushed it deep down where no one would find it. Not even me.

"Wow, she can be such a jerk sometimes," Bonnie commented.

Oh yeah. Bonnie basically hates Elena because Elena told her she wasn't good enough to date a vampire. Enzo. Where is Enzo anyways?  I'm sure he'll be back soon.

If we're being honest, I don't like Elena either. She's so annoying and babyish. How she dragged both brothers along for that long and then continued to go back and forth between them because she simply 'didn't know how she felt'? Ugh.

"Is she crying?" Hayley asked. I never knew Hayley before, but she seemed nice. I listened close.

"Oh she's definitely crying." I said, annoyed.

Damon looked worried and got up to go back to her room, " I'll be back guys, she doesn't usually cry like this."

Stefan sighed, "Yes she does Damon, all the time. Especially if she doesn't get what she wants. She's acting like a spoiled toddler!"

Damon glared at him before walking back to her room. We all shared a look and all the vampires in the room used their super hearing to listen in on the conversation.

'Elena are you alright?' Damon asked

'No, being a mermaid seems so cool and it all depended on some stupid blue gem! It's just unfair,' she sobbed.

'Elena I know you want to be a mermaid. But Caroline found the gem and you should be happy for her, not act-' Damon started.

'I don't want to be happy for her, I want to be a mermaid!' Elena basically shrieked.

"Oh my gosh, how do you put up with her?" Hayley asked, she looked shocked.

"That's what I've been wondering since I met her." Katherine said.

"Elena can hear you, she's coming back in here." Klaus said quietly.

Everyone turned  to do something else that looked believable in an 'I wasn't listening to your conversation kind of way'.

Elena walked in, a few tears fell down her face. I wanted to slap her so bad. She put on her fake innocent face. Klaus looked disgusted and I had to cover my mouth with my hand while I tried not to laugh out loud. It looked like Hayley and Rebekah were doing the same thing.

"Caroline," Elena started "Do you think I could have the gem? The idea of being a mermaid seems really cool and-"

I cut her off, "No."

Everyone looked at me. Klaus almost looked proud. As did Bonnie. The rest just looked a mix of shocked and relieved.

Elena started to act ready again, "N-no? But I'm your best friend-"

"Who in the hell told you that?" I said laughing, that comment on top of Klaus still wearing that expression just broke me.

Katherine even started laughing, as did Rebekah, then Hayley and Bonnie. Elena looked furious. She walked over me and pulled on the necklace.

"Gimme it!" She yelled, almost like a toddler.

I pulled the necklace back into my hands and barely, and I mean barely, pushed her back by her shoulders.

She dramatically fell into the ground. Even Damon knew it was way over the top. Then she got up and ran back to her room crying even more.

Davina and Freya looked at each other. Rebekah and Hayley were still giggling, Katherine had never looked happier. I was glad I finally got that off my chest. Klaus and Bonnie looked proud, Stefan and Damon didn't know what to do.

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