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I should be there with him. Not here.

Anger began boiling in the pit of my stomach, rising with every thought I had. Raising my head to look at Lucifer, my eyes were narrowed as I glared at him.

"What?" his eyes were wide with concern.

"I should be with my son. Not here with you." Rising to my feet, I continued to yell at him even though I knew it wasn't rational. My anger was eating at me, causing desperation.

"You're the reason I'm here. If I wasn't at that house trying to save someone else's child, I'd be at home with mine right now!"

He was now on his feet in front of me, standing in defense.

"You could have said no. I didn't force you into this. If I remember correctly, you're the one who fought with your family about proceeding with this." he yelled back.

We were now pointing at one another, flailing our arms in anger. Hold our arms out as our fight got louder and louder with every word. I knew I was in the wrong for attacking him the way I did but the desperation to get back to my family was taking over. By the way he held his temper at bay, I knew he knew that as well.

"This is my punishment for having such a big heart." I crossed my arms and averted my gaze.

Before he could retort, the floor began shaking violently beneath us. Looking at one another in a panic, he reached out for me. I jumped into his arms, tightly wrapping my arms around his torso as he wrapped his arms over mine.

The floor was shaking hard enough to move us around now. If we had anything else around us, it would surely be on the ground now bouncing up and down.

"The two of you have woken me for the last time. GET OUT!" The voice bellowed causing echoes and then a force hit us so hard we were flying through the air, through the darkness. My hold on Lucifer was broken, we were lost to one another during the blast of energy.

I landed hard on my back. Wincing in pain, I rolled onto my side, groaning as the pain surged throughout my body. I felt so weak. My inner core felt as if it were struggling to stay put.

"Hey lady, get out of the way."

My eyes shot open; my head jerked in the direction of the new voice. I was laying in the middle of a street. Quickly rising to my feet, stumbling as I brushed myself off and looked around. I was standing in the middle of the cul-de-sac in front of the house with the red door. Hurrying over to the sidewalk, out of the guy's way, I looked around for Lucifer.

"Luce?" I called out, choking. My lungs felt heavy. It was hard to breathe.

No answer.

"Luce?" I yelled out again as I looked around. Why did I feel so weak?


Looking around to check my surroundings, I opened my mind and concentrated on Lucifer.


-Angel. Close it! He demanded.

As soon as I know you're alright. Where are you?

-Looking for a soulless vessel because someone made me promise and I intend on keeping any promises I make to her.

Smiling, knowing he was talking about me, I sent one more message.

Closing now but before I do, I will reach out as soon as I'm back home safely.

-Be safe, Angel.

Opening my eyes, I looked around once more to make sure I was alone. When I was positive that I was, I looked up to the sky and thought of Ann's ranch.

Appearing at the end of our dirt driveway, I took off running towards the front door yelling for anyone that could hear me. Feeling winded faster than I should, I slowed my run as I closed in on the house. The front door opened to reveal Jody holding Azriel. She yelled something behind her, walked out onto the porch, and set Azriel down on the ground. He took off running towards me, his tiny little legs carry him as fast as they could, arms held out wide, reaching for me.

Once I reached him and he was in my arms, I spun him in circles, holding him tight, never wanting to let him go ever again.

"Ange?" I stopped at the sound of Dean's voice.

Turning towards him, he and Sam were standing on the porch staring at me in disbelief.

"Bug?" Sam was slowly walking down the steps, watching me, making sure it was really me. He picked up an iron crowbar near the Impala as he headed towards me.

Dean reached around to his back pocket and revealed his flask. Knowing that it was filled with holy water, I braced myself for the tests that were coming.

"It's me, guys." I pulled my silver necklace from my shirt so they could see it as I was making my way to them.

"Don't you move an inch with my boy." He demanded.

With a raised eyebrow I poked fun at his remark. "Your boy?"

He jumped the stairs, landing on the ground running. He ran past Sam and splashed me with the water as soon as he reached me. Once I showed no signs of burning, he crashed into me, wrapping his arms around me and Azriel, hugging me so tight that I couldn't breathe. When he pulled away, tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"I thought..." he smoothed my hair with his hands, kissed my forehead, and hugged me again.

Sam was in front of me, pressing the iron against my skin. When I didn't react, he pulled me away from Dean into a hug. Kissing the top of my head, he pulled away, holding me at arm's length and looking me over.

"What happened to you?" his eyes filled with worry as he looked at my bloodstained shirt.

"Didn't Cas tell you?"

"Tell us what?" Dean asked.

"I sent Lucifer to talk to Cas. I was attacked in a dream state, I don't know, it all makes my head hurt."

"Oh. That was months ago." Sam said confused. "This looks fresh."

"Months? It is fresh. Time is different in the Nothing. How long have I been gone?" I asked looking at Azriel. He didn't look much older than when I saw him at the park.

"Almost two years."

"What?" I yelled.

Azriel giggled.

"Yeah, little man's birthday is next week." Dean smiled, ruffling Azriel's hair.

I followed my brothers back to the house where Jody was waiting to pull me into a hug.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you. Everyone. God how I've missed you guys. Where's Bobby?"

"He doesn't come around much." she answered.

As we walked into the house Gabriel was walking down the hallway. When he noticed me, his eyes widened with shock. Rushing over, he scooped me up in a hug, not letting me go. Azriel started to make noises, letting us know he was over the hugging. He pushed away from me, wanting down. Nothing wanting to put him down, I held him closer, tighter.

"Down." he pointed to the ground.

Reluctantly, I set him down and watched him run off down the hallway and into the first room on the right.

Gabriel pulled me into another hug.

"Where's Cas?" I asked as I hugged him back.

When he pulled out of the hug, the look on his face sent me into a panic.

"Guys?" I turned to my brothers and Jodi.

"Where is Cas?" I asked again.

"Ange." Sam began as he walked towards me.

"You're scaring me. Where's my husband?" I demanded.

"We don't know." 

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