Saving the Devil

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Pulling into the exact spot we parked a few years ago under the bridge to the highway, I opened my door and climbed out of the car. The scenery hadn't changed much except for a few new graffiti on the cement pillars.

"Angel, don't go running ahead of us this time." Dean scolded as he handed me a handgun.

"Are these,"

"Yes, demon trap bullets. We all have them now." he answered my question before I could finish it as he handed a gun similar to mine to Sam. He offered one to Castiel but Castiel declined as he conjured his angel blade.

"Guns are effective but I prefer the methods I'm used to." he explained.

Once Dean felt he had everything they may need, he closed the trunk and we all turned towards the entrance.

"Sammy, got a flashlight? This place was dark last time."

"Yes, Dean." Sam answered with annoyance in his tone.

The four of us walked towards the door, weapons bared, ready for the attack. Dean entered first, he refused to let me go this time. Castiel was second, Sam told me to go next so he could watch my back. Carefully and quietly, we walked through the snaking tunnels, inspecting every opening, every space big enough for a body to hide.

Luce? I called out as I turned and looked over a dark room.

Luce, we're here. Tell me where you are.

-Angel, I told you to stay away!

He was angry, weak, but angry.

The faster you tell me where you are, the faster I'll be away from here. Stop being stubborn for one damn minute.

-You don't understand.

As I was starting another thought we approached a wide opening. The tunnel opened into a large room with black cement blocks creating the walls, four black pillars spread out in a square in the center of the room, a long table set off to the left with food spread fit for a Thanksgiving dinner. On the right side of the room were six rows of pews all with people sitting in them.


In the front of the room sat a large chair with a high back, red cushions, and armrests that curl under and down into the legs of the chairs. The bottom of the chair legs was sculpted into goblin heads.

The throne. Lucifer's throne.

On the throne sat a starky looking man, black eyes just like the rest of the people in there. Rising to his feet, he stood tall, 6 feet tall, maybe. Thin but fit, dressed in a black suit with a red tie. He narrowed his eyes at us.

"What is the Winchester's doing here?" he spoke, almost slither-like.

Something about him was so familiar.

"We heard there was a party." Dean shrugged.

The rest of the demons stood from the pews, ready to attack. The man held his hand to stop them.

Slowly walking back and forth in front of his throne, he began speaking again.

"We have not bothered your family for months. I've kept everyone out of your hair. Why do you come into my home, interrupt my dinner, and disrespect me when I ask you a question?"

I knew that voice. Who was he?

Sam raised an eyebrow as he shifted onto one foot.

"I'm sorry, we didn't know a sewer was a home." He looked around in disgust.

Saving LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now