Chapter Four: Secretive Angel.

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I lay on my bed with my face buried in my pillow. Bored out of my mind. It’s been a week already, but my mom extended it remembering how I skipped school last time. Forgot about that one. With dying and all. It’s a Friday, and I have nothing to do.

“I..Hate..You.” My muffled voice comes from my pillow case.

I directed it to Samuel. Who I can tell was leaning on my window like always. He tries his best to always be near a window. He likes to look up at the sky. Well I assume anyway.

I hear him suck his teeth. “Saying you hate a angel from heaven. A love angel of all things. A great sin.” I mimicked him, as I turned on my back looking at my black ceiling. “Such disrespect as well. Are you trying to get the Grim reaper to eat your soul?” He laughed, jokingly. I roll my eyes. “I do not see that as an laughing matter.” Glancing at him I pout. He shrugged.

“Hey, I was just trying to lighten the mood. As soon as you got home, you’ve been moaning, and groaning of boredom.” I scoff.

“Who’s fault is that?” I say sarcastically. “Yours.” Letting out another groan, I let myself roll off the side of the bed. Thud. I hit the floor harder than I anticipated. “Ow..that actually hurt.” I rub the back of my head, with my right hand. “Idiot.” Sam, sighed. Even though I couldn’t see him I could tell he slumped his shoulders, and rolled his eyes. He tends to do that a lot. “Sam, what time is it?” I watch as he looked out towards the sun. “About five, forty-five. Why?” I sit up off the floor. “I want some coffee.” He raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t your doctor say you need to stop drinking so much coffee, and how it’s unhealthy?” I waved him off. “” I see him roll his eyes once again. His favorite thing to do. Also mine. “Alex, you’re a coffee addict. You drink that stuff wayyy too much.” This time I was the one who rolled my eyes. “Your starting to sound like my doctor.” Sam then laughs. “Gotcha.” I opened my mouth to speak, but then just crossed my arms. Curses, he made me admit my doctor told me to cut back. “Samuel, you do not, want to see me, if I haven’t drink my coffee in three days. Today is the second. I’m going to be real pissed without it.” He gave his smirk, that indicates that he’s not intimated at all. I let out a scoff. He would be if I don’t get my coffee by tomorrow. I stand up on my feet. “If your not coming, then I’m going since I can be out until six thirty.” I stretch. “You can’t go too far away from me.” Seeing my hoodie laying on my computer chair, I slip it on. “And why not?” He crosses his arms. I was about to tease him, saying how he wasn’t my mother. But I held my tongue seeing his face. He didn’t have a jokingly expression on. His face was straight, and the curves of his lips were pointed downward into a frown. He poster was better. He stood up straight. Then there was his eyes. They were hard, and sharp like ice. “Alex, you don’t understand do you?” I was silent. “Your are basically a ghost. I’m the only thing keeping you from turning back into a spirit. If you go too far away from me, you’ll turn back into one. Your soul would be vulnerable since it’s out in the open, and since my boss would be expecting you to be “alive”. In other words in your body. There would be nothing stopping the Grim reaper from eating your soul right then and there.” I shivered at this new information. I couldn’t help but rub my arms. Now I feel more helpless. As if I was exposed. That’s how I felt. “B-But I thought he must test me before that.” Sam crossed his arms once again. “He doesn’t always play by the rules, when there’s no one to protect his meal. Sure he would get in trouble, but he’ll find a way to get out of it. He has before.” I was quiet. That’s terrifying, to know. 

To know your life could be gone before your eyes in a heart beat. Now I really need my coffee. Looking at him, I see his eyes soften, and his shoulders relax. “It’ll be okay, Alex. Just stay near me, and you’ll be fine...okay?” I nodded. “I’ll be waiting outside for you.” “Alright.” I grab my wallet off my dresser. He walked towards the wall, disappearing as he went through. I head down stairs, and to the door. My mother is at work. She’s most likely going to be staying late. When I opened the door, Sam stood there as I had expected. Looking both ways, he released a breath. Which made me jump since, he doesn’t need to breath. Without warning, his skin turned a more yellowish tone, and his chest raised and fell as if he was breathing. He opened his eyes. They seemed more alive. Looking at me, he held out his hand. I hesitated at first, not wanting to feel that dead-like feeling whenever I tried to touch him. How my hand would go right through him. Placing my hand into his palm I was surprised, it didn’t fall back to my side.

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