Chapter Two: A Blabber Mouthed Angel.

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"I know this is hard to take in." I hear the angel's voice say.

I remain silent, with my head buried in my knees. He has no idea. It's not like he's the one who just died, and the one who caused their own death. Not like he saw his mother have a mental break down in front of him. Broke the ancient system of the angel's love nonsense. Stuck on earth until they find their match. Then have to leave once they see how happy they could have been. It's not like he's the one who is stuck with an angel of love. "My boss has to change the memories of everyone in this town." I lift my head up. "What?" "They have to change them, so no one remembers your death. They will only remember you leaving school." I looked at him and shivered. He says it as if it's a piece of cake. As if it's not..wrong. It's invasion of another's privacy. Memories are precious. It's wrong to just deprive someone of it. It's about the only thing we human's have left that's pure. But I guess he has no choice does he? I screwed up, and it screwed him up. Screwing the other angels up. Screwing their boss up, and screwing the system up. I let out a sigh. Man, I sure did mess up didn't I? "Okay, so what do I do?" He glanced at me, then looked up towards the sky. "Go home, and lay down in your bed. So when your mother is transported into there. She'll think it's just a bad dream." I looked at him sideways. "Why can't you completely change her memory like the rest?" I asked. "It's hard to change the memory of a human. Especially a memory that was very traumatizing to that being. Your mom will only remember the feeling of losing you, not the actual event. Others might give you sideways glance as well. They will most likely feel as if something big had happen, evolving you. But that is all they will grasp." He lifted his hand to the sky. "Svzi nv lmv zylev. Xszmtv gsv gslftsgh lu wvzhs!" He sang in a high pitched voice. It may be corny but he did actually sound like a angel. I closed my eyes listening to his voice. It was beautiful, even though I couldn't understand his words. When he stopped, I asked. "What language were you speaking in?" He opened his blue eyes, and peered down at me. "It's not necessarily a language. It's hard to explain. But we call it, the heaven's voice. I told my boss to change the minds of this town." I stood, remembering what he told me to do. "You better hurry. Your mother will be awaking soon." Nodding I jet down the street towards my home. As I ran I begin to think. If he's an angel, then why doesn't he look like one? He looks more like a fallen one to me, and another thing. Where are his wings of pure light, so they say? 

Soon I arrive at my house with a banged up knee. I fell on the way here. I was amazed when I saw my car in the parking spot it's always in. Wasn't it destroyed in the car crash? They must have fixed it. The angels I guess, or their mysterious boss.  Pulling my house keys out of my pocket I unlock the door.

As soon as I step foot in the door way, I'm almost knocked over by a body ramming into me. "Ah!" I look down to find my mom in tears, crying out. "Alexandra! Alexandra!" She squeezed me so tight, it felt as if I was going to suffocate. "M-Mom..!" I place a hand on her back. "S-Some reason..I wish to hold you close." She whispered. I was silent. It broke my heart to see my mother like this. In such heartache, and not even knowing why. Or the cause of her felling such sorrow. So instead of saying anything. I hug her back. After when she finally let me go, we both went to bed early. Instead of hassling myself with changing into my pajamas, I just go to bed in my clothes. Letting myself fall down on the mattress I close my eyes to go to sleep.

Waking with a sudden jerk I open my eyes. My head ached. Groaning I roll over on my side. W-Was that all a dream? Just a horrible dream!? Am I alive!? I sat up. I look at my wall, and concentrated hard. Thinking of gas I press my hand against it. I beamed. It was solid. "I'm alive!" I yell, laughing. "For now."

Hearing that gentle yet gloomy voice, I hesitated to turn around.

N-No. I turned around and the same angel boy from yesterday sat on my window edge. "No!" I groaned, burying my face in my pillow. "Nice to see you too." Peeking from the hold of my pillow case, I see him cross his arms. "It wasn't a dream."

"I apologize, that it isn't. Means less work for me. Since this whole dead thing made everything a lot more complex. By the way my name's Samuel." He let out a weary sigh. I raised an eyebrow. "My names Alexandra, but call me Alex...If you don't mind if I ask how complex?" With his eyes shut he answered. "With the Grim reaper-!" He cut himself off, sitting up straight. His eyes widened as they locked on mine. "T-The Grim reaper?" I asked, pushing the covers off my legs. "J-Just forget I said anything." He stood. I stand as well. "What do you mean forget about!? What about the Grim reaper?" Without looking at me, he walked back to the window. "You have other things to worry about. This one is ours." I cross my arms. I have a feeling this is something big, and I'm not going to let him put it off like characters from those fantasy books. "This isn't something to put off, and you know it! What about him!?" He was quiet at first.

Glancing at me he sighed. "I can already tell, you'll be the one to make me loss my job." I sat down on my desk chair. "Well?"

"Alex, your suppose to be dead." "I know that already." He gave me a sharp glare. "Let me finish. When one dies they have to go to him, to pass the test of judgment. Pure or impure. Not only him but my boss as well. He is really upset that such a big slip up was made. The angels stopped a soul from moving on. If this get serious enough. You'll be forced to take it, and if he shows enough negative things about you, then your soul is his. The Grim reaper feeds off of impure souls so he'll do anything to make you seem bad. My boss will do the opposite. If you take too long here, they will pull you out of this world. They have no problem freezing time. Your lucky they allowed me to still do my job of the whole true love match. It gives you time to prepare." I was stunned. Absolutely petrified.

The Grim reaper is trying to eat my soul. I have to prepare for this stupid test of judgment, while being force to see my what if happy ever after. I held my head, for it throbbed with pain.

"You can ponder on it while you get dress." I look up at him.

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow. He did the same back. "For school." I immediately fall onto my side on my bed, letting out a over dramatic groan. Doing all of that while going to the prison they call school!

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