Chapter Eight: I'm In Love With My Love Angel.

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Wake up, my dear angel. A sweet voice sang in my ears. The voice was calming and nurturing. "M-Mom...?" I open my eyes, and a woman hovered over me. Her short brown hair stopped at her neck, and her hazel eyes shined with her smile. "Hey sweetie." Her voice came across my ears. I glance at the mirror behind her. My dark brown hair was in a long braid, and my green eyes looked drowsy as I laid in a bed. I'm quite small compared to her. "Mommy?" She chuckled as I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah it's me. Who else would it be?" I smile, pushing off my covers. She stood up, and held out a hand. "Come on, let's go." Nodding I reach out to take it. But as I came closer the more my vision blurred. Soon the image of her was no more.

"M-Mom?" My vision slowly began to clear. Dreams can be both happy and sad. I assume yours was a mixture of both.

Recognizing the voice my eyes widen. The same woman I had met yesterday sat in front of me, on a glass chair. Zeratha.

Looking around I realize everything around me is glass. The entire room. Even the bed I lay in, but it's as soft as a bed should be. "Where am I?" I asked. My mind was foggy. At the infirmary for angels. I looked around in awe. The infirmary for angels? W-Wait a minute! "Wheres Samuel!?" My eyes shoot back at her. She just calmly smiled. He's in the next room over, my dear. You do not need to fear. His injuries have mostly healed. "C-Can I see him?" She let out a soft chuckle. In time my angel. But first, we have matters to discuss. Hearing her words, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "What matters, exactly?" She slowly stood walking over to my bedside. The matters of your death. I jumped at the word death. I forgot.

So many things happened I hadn't even considered still having to take the test! You'd think I would remember something so crucial. Seeing my nervousness, she placed a gentle hand on my own. Don't worry. You don't even have to take the test. I let out a gasp. "I don't!?" She nodded. Indeed, for you've passed. Giving up your own life for a angel who's already lived. Yes, not happily but has experienced it and decided to end it himself. You gave up your life to live an eternity of darkness and pain. That is worthy of life in paradise. I smiled, letting out a relived chuckle. I have passed. I've passed and can finally live in happiness.

But, then why does something still ache in my chest. "What about my mom?" Zeratha frowned to this. She'll have to mend in time. Loss is never easy. Tears came to my eyes, remembering how she was in pain when I died. She'll have to feel it all over again. React it, relive it. Another question struggled to leave my throat. "What will happen to Samuel?" I look at her, she was still frowning. He shall return to his duties as an love angel. My heart sank even more. He wouldn't be with me anymore. He wouldn't be my protector, my friend, my love angel. He'd be somebody else's. Tears bubble up in my eyes, knowing this. I will never see the two people I love the most in this world again. My mother who took cared of me, even after my father ran out. No matter how much trouble I was. No matter how hard it got, she remained. Then there's Samuel, who's been with me through thick and thin these past months. He saved me a great deal of pain, and misery. I begin to blink my tears away. "P-Please allow me to see him one last time." She didn't speak, but nodded offering her hand.

Slowly I push the thin sheet on my legs off, and stand wobbling. I winch at the burning sensation coursing through my body, especially my abdomen. I take her hand for support. She walked to the door, and lead me down the hall. It took less than two minutes to get there. We stood in front of his door. Lifting a fist, I hesitated to knock.

Would it be best to just disappear? I mean, wouldn't it just be harder for me to move on if I see his face? Hear his gloomy yet lovable voice. That would just cause both of you more pain, my dear. I jump at her comment. She must have figured out what I was thinking. I recite her words in my head, then forced myself to agree with them. I knock loudly on the glass door. I can see through it, but big curtains blocked my view of him. My reflection showed a demon facing it. I was wrapped in bandages on my right arm, and head. I can feel the one around my stomach underneath my clothes. "Come in." A weak, yet strong voice answered. Opening the door, I walk in without haste. Pushing the faint baby blue curtains aside I walk further in. You could mistake them for white. Samuel laid on the glass bed, with wrappings on both his arms, hands, and around his head. The rest was covered by his blankets. He turned my direction, and our eyes locked on one another. Seeing me, his face lit up as he smiled. "Alex." I walk over to him, holding my breath. "Hey, Sam." I say, trying not to show my grief.

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