Chapter Five: Fighting Angel.

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Things couldn't get much worse.

Me, and Samuel haven't spoken once, since our argument.

Not a single word. To make it worse he's in my school as an exchanged student. You know what else? He's the most popular guy in this class, now. Wait, there is more. He sits next to me as well, and everyone freaks out, asking why and what not. Starting a whole thing. Now they talk about me even more.

I'm not done yet. He sits next to me at lunch all the time as well. Creating more gossip. Not to mention it is sooo awkward since we're not on speaking grounds. It's the worst.

I stare at the plastic-like desk, or whatever it's made out of. Reading the markings I roll my eyes. It said things like 'Loser'

'Emo' 'Weirdo' and such. I feel my head, throb from my noisy classmates. We have a sub today, and they've all gone mad. I glance at Sam, who's reading a book. Sighing, I push myself away from my desk standing. I grab my book bag, and walk to the door. No one noticed as I opened it, and left.

God, my head is on fire! It feels as if someone's hitting it with an hammer. Yeah, I know I'm exaggerating but it does hurt.

I push open the school entrance door, while pulling out my car keys. Clicking the button to unlock my car doors, I watch the purple vehicle flash red. Eh, no one will realize me being gone.

So, might as well skip. I pull open my door sitting in, then close it shut. I'm bored out of my mind. After turning on my car, I use blue tooth to turn on my favorite song. A guitar began playing.

Then a male voice started. "Just another love song baby, no need to look my way." I smile, listening to the voice. "Just another love song baby, no need to catch my gaze." I love this song. It makes me calm, and it touches my heart. "Just another love song baby, another man captured by your eyes. Just another love song baby, I think I hypnotized." The rhythm picks up a little speed, and I sing along. "If you give me a chance I'll show you just how I really feel. All you need to do is listen to this love song, baby. Listen to this love song, another love song. Just for you, and only you. From me and only me." I bobbed my head. "Cuz I love ya baby." It slows down. "Yeah, just another love song baby, no need to look my way. Just another love song baby, no need to catch my gaze. Just another love song baby, another man captured by your eyes." Suddenly my head throbbed with pain. More than before. Gasping I held my it tightly. I feel my heart beat faster, and faster as my breathing became jagged. My vison was blurry. Quickly I turn off my car, throwing my door open. Stuffing my keys in my pocket, I fall to my knees. I groan in pain. What is happing to me!? I hold my chest, and struggle to get up. Slowly I stumble over to the school. Seeing a girl I make my way to her. "E-Excuse me!

C-Can you help me!?" I watch as the girl's blond hair bounce up and down as she continued to walk. Her blue eyes looking right past me. I reach out to grab her hand, but it went right through it. Familiar cold dead chills went down my spine. I-I'm just a spirit again!?! Why!? What happened!? I thought for a moment.

W-Was it Samuel!? Is he trying to ditch me!?

A loud ringing sound went off in my head. "Gah!" I wrap my arms around my waist. You are vulnerable little girl. My heart froze at this deep, dead voice. I remember what Samuel said about if he is separated from me at too great a distance. My soul is up for grabs. Again, this horrible emotion of fear coursed through my body. NO! I don't want to die! I don't want the Grim reaper to eat my soul! Worse, I don't want to become a demon! Using the last of my strengths I stand, and wobble to the nearest room. Which happened to be the girls room. Feeling my legs go weak my body falls back onto the bathroom wall. Your soul is mine, little girl. There is no angel in sight! I close my eyes shut, holding my breath.

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