Chapter three: Stupid Love Angel.

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I let out a annoyed sigh, as Samuel scooped out the guys in my class. It’s been a week already of searching, and nothing. I watch as he walks up to this jock who I care not to remember his name, and stares. For a moment he observed him, then shook his head. “Nope.” Standing, he did the same to the guy next to him. Samuel has two forms. Nonphysical, were no one can see, hear or touch him. Which includes me. He said he couldn’t touch anyone who is a human either. He’s considering enrolling in this school as a exchange student, so he can protect me. Since the Grim reaper might resort to hasty actions. Also just to protect me period. His job isn’t only to help find people love. It’s also to protect them while doing so. For humans he could use his magic in his nonphysical form. But for something like a demon, he’d have to get physical. Literally. I can’t even concentrate as he stares at the boy sitting next to me. It’s just so weird for someone to be that close to you and for you not to know. I let my head hit the table as Miss. Caper goes on and on about science stuff and what not. I hate this class, ad I hate how everyone gives me strange stares. I know Sam told me about it but still. They look at me like I’m not human. Like I’m a ghost. Which I guess I’m technically am. Sam stood next to me. It’s funny how he can’t touch things, but he can touch the floor. 

I stare at him. His scratched his place face, then moved his black bangs out of his eyes. He really doesn’t look like a angel. It’s not like I can ask him at this moment anyway. I would look crazy talking to the air. “Alex.” I jump when I hear Miss. Caper call out my name. “Y-Yes..?” I stutter. “Alex, are you listening?” “Y-Yes Miss. Caper.” “If so, then why do cats always land on their feet?” I opened my mouth to answer, but then closed it. I glance at Sam, who just shrug his shoulders. 

“Uh..because they have good..b-balance.” I watch as she rolled her eyes. “Alex, if you wish to pass my class then pay attention!” She turned back to the board. I roll my own eyes, sticking my tongue at her. I hear Samuel let out a chuckle, as he walked to the front of the class. Miss. Caper didn’t bat an eye as she looked past him making sure everyone is paying attention.

With a wave of his hand, Miss. Caper’s hand stopped writing on the chalk board. At first I thought it was a coincidence. But then as he moved his arm upward so did her’s. Marking a big line through her words. “W-What..!?” I hear her try to whisper. Again Sam moved his hand to the right, and her’s followed creating a horrible screech on the board. Everyone yelped covering their ears. However, I was too busy snickering to do so. “What is g-going on!” She yanked her arm away from the board, and nearly stumbled over her desk hair. Place his hand down, her right arm became less tense. Her eyes were wide as she stared at her arm. “Uh..” I continue to laugh silently, hoping no one will see me. She cleared her throat. “E-Excuse me, I apologize. I sometimes have muscle spasms.” “Buncombe!” I blurted out, but then quickly covered my mouth. Uh oh. Sam eyes widen. Covering his mouth he bursted out laughing. “Alexandria!” Miss. Caper shouted. Me and my big mouth. “I know, I know. To the principles office.” She nodded crossing her arms. Sighing I scoop up my bag, and head out the door as the other students snorted with laughter.

I groan as I sit outside of the main office on a bench with Samuel sitting next to me. I glare at him. “What?” He answered, with his arms behind his head. I wait until the halls cleared before answering. “I blame you for this.” He raised an eyebrow. “Me!? You’re the one who yelled Buncombe during your class.”

I cross my arms. “You’re the one who made me laugh! I know why her arm started flinging everywhere. It was because of you. Not because she has muscle spasms.” I shook my hands in the air, as if I was being frightened. “Still doesn’t give you the right to say it.” I roll my eyes, when the office door opened. 

My mother stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. I pout crossing my arms, as I slump on the bench. Great, I know I’m grounded. “Alex, you know the drill.” I sigh. “Yeah. No t.v, texting, video games, laptop, and going out after six thirty for the rest of the week.” She nodded. “And weekend.” I let out a huff. “Yes, ma’am.” “Come on.” She gestured me to stand. I did, and follow her to the door. Sam followed behind, whistling tediously. “Stupid love angel.” I mumbled. “What was that, Alex?” My mother asked, glancing back. “Nothing.” I put my hands in my pocket. Sam crossed his arms and chuckled. “Stupid human.” He stuck his tongue out. I let out a grunt opening the school doors.

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