Twenty nine

507 18 19

Kai pov

We were now laying down since Mattia decided he was gonna stay here tonight and didn't want to get up

Mattia:what do we have to do in the morning

Kai:go to the meet in greet with influencers and some fans since it will only be the first day we've been over the schedule multiple times Mattia

Mattia:I know I just wanna annoy you

Kai:you bitch go to sleep


He grabbed my waist pulling my back to his chest as he buried his face in my neck

Kai:didn't mean like this but ok

Mattia:good night Kai

He said placing a kiss to my neck as I felt butterflies erupted in my stomach

Kai:y-yeah g-good night matti

And just like that we both drifted of to sleep

Time skip

I woke up to the sun in my eyes and banging on the door I was getting up when I got pulled back down

Kai:matti I have to get the door


He said in his morning voice as I felt his breath on my neck sending chills down my spine


Mattia:Kai the door is already unlocked

Oh yeah

Kai:come in!

I laid down as Mattia just pulled me closer to him

Alv:what took so long-oh

Kai:it's not what it looks like-actually it is what do you guys want

Ale:breakfast that's what we want but Alvaro insisted we wait on you guys

Robert:then ale came here and banged on your door until you opened it

Roshaun:you didn't but said come in so here we are

Kai:I lived it you didn't have to tell me every detail

I felt my ass on mattia's crotch making my breath hitch

Kai:u-um well be out there in a minute

Ale:ok hurry up


The left out as I turned to Mattia

Mattia:babe stop moving

Kai:Mattia I'm not Vic wake up we have to get ready

Mattia:fine and again I know your not Vic I just wanna call you that

He let me go as I got up ignoring the last thing he said cause it's just a joke

Kai:I'm going to take a shower


I grab my clothes going in the bathroom turning onto he shower then getting in

Time skip

I got out the shower putting my clothes on walking out the bathroom there Mattia was sitting on the bed he had on the same clothes and his face was red and he was sweating wtf did he do jerk off-wait

Kai:aye Mattia you good

Mattia:w-what oh yeah I'm fine

Kai:then why didn't you go to your room and change

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