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Mattia pov

We finally got to the hospital as me and Kai rushed in not even bothering to look for Shawn

Be careful

Why what's going to happen

Don't trust Shawn

You keep saying that why not he's a nice person

Mattia I'm the side that's supposed to hurt you but right now I'm telling you is to be carful with Shawn

What is he gonna do

Keep Kairi away from him you can't trust him

Ok I'll be carful hush now

They all went quiet as the doctor told us where their room was surprisingly their in the same room we went in there seeing my mom woke but not Luca kais mom his dad and Maiya wait what his dad


Kd:hey Kai I missed you

I look down seeing I was still holding his hand I let go

Mattia:go I gotta ask my mom something anyways

Kai:ok I'll be right back I swear

I nodded kissing his forehead as he walked out the room with his dad

Ma:um that

Mattia:I'll explain later are you ok

Ma:yes hijo I'm fine just broke a few bones so did Luca but he's still sleeping

Mattia:ok what happened

Ma:your dad saw something on his phone I don't know what it was but he started yelling saying no son of mines is a f slur then Luca came saying calm down and stuff and he beat him till he was passed out I tied to confront him but he didn't the same to me Sarah came when he left and here we are

Mattia:you didn't see the video

Ma:what video

Mattia:so you see me and Kai sorta kinda caught Vic cheating on me but I was already on the way to break up with her and she called Kairi a fag oh and yes I can say that now I am officially bi so um Kai kinda went off on her you could say that we kissed the dude recorded a video he apologized for everything and Vic posted the video so that's what everyone in playlist saw and dad Maiya text Kai and now where here

Ma:hold on rewind you kissed Kairi

Mattia:the first time yes but he didn't kiss back then I went to break up with Vic then he kissed me so yeah

Maiya:finally my ship has sailed I can die happy now

She said fake dying

Luca:I knew you were gay

He said waking up

Mattia:correction luca bi

Luca:same difference

Kai:we have a problem

He said as him and his dad came in the room

Mattia:what's wrong Kai

Kai:your dad is here like at the front desk trying to get in I think he saw me

Mattia:it's ok I won't let anything happen to you I promise

I whispered to him

Kai:what about you

Mattia:that you don't have to worry about

Kai:but Mattia-

Mattia:Kai I'll be fine ok

Kai:what did they say

Mattia:be carful and........don't trust Shawn

Kai:wait what but Shawns-

Mattia:yeah that's what I said but the ain't stop saying that so I'm going with it

Put Kairi behind you but still be careful he's dangerous

Mattia:who is my dad or Shawn




I quickly put Kairi behind me but still holding his hand

Kai:matti what are you doing

Mattia:they told me to do it they wanna protect you

Kai:from what

Surprise shawtyyyy!!!!

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