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Mattia pov

At the moment we were at our spot instead of the park we finished our ice cream and was just laying on the grass



Mattia:ima miss you

Kai:why would you miss me

Mattia:cause when that day I was talking about comes your gonna think I'm weird and disgusting and leave and never talk to me again

Kai:I can never think that well sometimes weird and yes disgusting when your jerking off in my bathroom (pls- the live💀)

Mattia:shut up

He giggled then continued

Kai:but I will never ever leave you it doesn't matter what happens I'll be by your side no matter what that's what bestfriends do right


Kai:why would you say that

He sat up sitting in front of me as I sat up too looking down

Mattia:I don't know anytime I imagine a good thing happening on that day it always comes up to you leaving me in the end I don't want that to happen

He cupped my face in his hands as I looked up as we made eye contact

Kai:well it's not gonna happen ok


Kai:I promise

He kissed my nose as I felt my face heat up as we just stared at each other not breaking eye contact once


Kai:shush let me stare at your eyes without it being weird

Mattia:why would you want to stare at my eyes

Kai:because there pretty you have a mix of brown and hazel eyes but mostly brown how could someone not stare at them

Mattia:your eyes are pretty

Kai:mines are just a dark boring brown

Mattia:when when In the sun they shine bright and beautiful if only you can see yourself the way I see you oh wait you can

I quickly took out my phone taking a picture of him


Mattia:it's not edited or anything a of guard picture and you look amazing

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Mattia:it's not edited or anything a of guard picture and you look amazing

Kai:thank you matti

Mattia:come on I actually do have to pack for playlist Tomorrow and your coming to help me

Kai:I knew you didn't

We got in the car leaving our spot as Kairi started humming a song I think I remember it was a tik tok we did a while back

Kai:hey there pretty brown eyes

Mattia:what ya doing here tonight

He turned to me as I turned to him when we stopped at a red light

Kai:you remember it

Mattia:how could I not we would sing that non-stop ale used to have to put tape over our mouths

I laughed as he giggled the light turned green as I saw Kairi staring at me from the corner of my eyes when we came to a stop I did the same without him know his beautiful eyes that shine in the sun his pink plump lips moving as he sang the song quietly as his hands moved to his thighs tapping the beat wow Kairi was just wow

Hey lover boy I think you should pay attention



Mattia:huh oh what happened

Kai:cars have been beeping at us for the past 5 min drive

Mattia:oh right sorry

I started driving trying to collect my thoughts

Kai:hey you ok you've been spacing out like that a lot is it them-

Mattia:no no it's not them just gotta lot of stuff on my mind yk I'm ok I promise

Kai:ok tia

Hmm tia he hasn't called me that in a while

Your right you go gotta lot of stuff on your mind and it's all Kairi

Hold on y'all can go through my mind

Yeah we're basically part of your brain so we know everything that goes on in here and a lot of it is about Kairi

Mattia:it's like tiny humans running around my head oh jeez

Kai:they don't actually have bodies do they

Mattia:I hope not

I said as we pulled up to the house getting out

Oh we can sometimes but I prefer staying as a voice I wouldn't go through your brain

Mattia:thank you zeek

Liar he just went through the college applications of the schools you wanted to go to

Ooo freaky stuff

Mattia:don't touch that ima kill you all

Can't kill us we're in your head unless you kill your self we're gone

Hold on you imagine doing freaky stuff with him to

Well duhh he likes him

Mattia:kayla where have you been

Here the whole time just decided to stay quiet that's kinda my Moto

Mattia:got it


Mattia:oh hey ma didn't notice you guys

Luca:you were.........talking to yourself?

Mattia:ah shit

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