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Kai pov


Mattia:babe what's wrong

Kai:why do you keep calling me that how are you here

Mattia:um I live here with you and I always call you that I mean you are my fiancé after all


Mattia:Kai what's going on are you ok

Kai:n-no y-you were in a coma you are in a coma Elijah stabbed you I thought you were dead I-

Mattia:oh did you have that nightmare again

Kai:w-what nightmare

Mattia:all that did happen Kai but that was when we were in high school Elijah been in jail for more than 15 years now you keep having that same dream a lot


Mattia:babe calm down it's over now

Kai:and we're getting married when did this happen wait what happened to ale and Alvaro all our friends

Mattia:they all grew up too we still stay in contact except their almost always working speaking of work we should get ready we gotta get Asia and Mathew up

Kai:who and who

??:mamaa papaaaa!!

A little girl came running in the room and slowing following behind a boy he looked about 13

Mattia:hi princess you ready for school

He said picking her up Asia and Mathew omg are these our kidsss!! Wait why did they look like us I can't even have kids can I?

Asia:yes papa

Mathew:dad could you tell Asia to stop waking me up so early

Asia:it's not my fault Katie and king told me to


Asia:my head voices mama did you forget

She said giggling why does she sound like me she has voices so she is our actual child and she has mattia's voices and his eyes that's so cute

Kai:oh I guess I did haha sorry

I said trying to play it off still confused as ever

Mattia:babe are you sure your ok should we go to the hospital

Kai:no I'm fine

Mattia:ok ima go get Asia dressed

He kissed my forehead before walking out he still does that's cute

Hayden:hey dad you ok

Kai:you called me dad

Mathew:yeah is that wrong

Kai:no but Asia called me mom

Mathew:yeah she always has you said you were ok with it

Kai:oh yeah I am ok go get ready for school Chris


He left out as I got up looking in the closet turns out I have a lot of girl clothes when did I start wearing these

Mattia:when Alv and Maiya said you should try new ideas

Kai:how did you know what I was thinking

Mattia:Kai we were bestfriends since we were like two and now your my fiancé and can read you like how sometimes you know what my voices are saying

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