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Kai pov

Mattia:see you later honey love you

Kai:love you to babe

He left to work in his car while I got in my car with my kids I guess

Kai:ok what y'all wanna eat


Mathew:Asia it's chick-fil-la not fa-la

Asia:same difference

Mathew:whatever but sure

Kai:ok to chick-fa-la we go

I smiled hearing Asia giggle

Asia:silly mama

I smiled pulling of til I got a call from Alvaro I connected it to the car so it was on speaker

Kai:don't say anything dumb my kids are in the car

Alv:thanks for the warning


Asia:hi uncle Alv

Mathew:hey uncle alv

Alv:hi Asia and Mathew how you kids been

Mathew:fine except how Asia wakes me up so early every morning

Asia:I told you it's cause Katie and king they told me to

Alv:yeah it's not her fault

Mathew:that is until she learns to control them

Ale:hey Mattia only learned how to control his at 18

Mathew:yeah but that's when they came back and hi uncle ale

Asia:hi ale

Ale:hey kids

Cece:hi Asia Mathew and uncle Kai

Kai:hi sweetheart

Asia:hi cece

Cece:hi Asia

Alv:ok we gotta go drop cece of at school see you at work

Kai:yeah see ya Alv

He hung up as we went to chick-fil-la got their food and dropped them of at the school turns out their right by each other

Asia:see you later mama love you

Mathew:see ya dad love you

Kai:see ya later kids love you be safe please Matt

Matt:I will dad you don't have to worry

Kai:son I always have to worry about you two now get to school love you

Matt:love you to

Asia:see ya mommy

Kai:bye bun

He dropped her off at her school then went into his and I drove of to my job with I surprisingly know where that is like how I knew where the kids school was I absolutely love this life I couldn't ask did anything better like I own this company we work at wow just wow I finally made it there being greeted by a lot of people and seeing Alv


I said hugging him

Alv:Kai we just saw each other yesterday

Kai:um yeah I need to talk to you

Alv:about what-wait let's go in your office

MY office i mean makes sense I own this place we were there and sat down

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