Chapter 1

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                                                        Copyright of 2020©Daff123 "Windows"



My new gel finish was perfect. I was damn proud of the job I did. I didn't go to the shops like other chicks that gave their money to something they could probably do better than them. I did a lot of shit on my own, not because I was broke but because I knew I had talent and was damn good at it too.

"Stop clicking your nails on that!" D' grumbled as he stuffed the remanding bagel in his big ass mouth.

"Shut up, boy. Keep ya' mouth closed or I'll shove that shit the rest of the way down!" A sly grin followed my words. Half of the damn time I was my own comedian.

I couldn't stop laughing as we pulled up to his little mixed business. Well, ours because of my heavy input in the damn place. There it was looking like a beautiful masterpiece with the little blinking red and blue sign that currently said closed and my little fern grandma Gail gave me to liven up the place. Dino didn't have a choice in the matter. I was the only thing that brought life in that shabby shack. All he contributed was a small amount of cash to start us off and I did the rest feeling sorry for his ass. I was the people person while he was steady trying to make an extra buck or two off the customers, even if they came in half-broke.

Getting inside, Dino switched the lights on and I went ahead to get my set-up before they started to come in.

"I'm opening up early" he bluntly stated, raising the blinds a little harder than I was comfortable with. The scowl on my lips would have told him otherwise if he was looking but he cared less, as always. I didn't reply, just gave him the stank eye for his bluntness. I didn't feel like cursing no one out this early.

The day ended as early it started, time was like that with the shop and us. We had appointments, not many cancellations, it was smooth except a bit of shop bickering between D and whoever was sitting in his chair. I swept up the shavings of hair, thread, whatever the remains of what sat in my own chair.

"What's wrong bitch?" I rolled my damn eyes, looking up to see the real bitch standing there, leaning against the wall.

"You still on trying to find out my mother-fuckin' business fool? Mind yo' own, don't you have a date with um, what's his name...Peter? Who the fuck dates a man with the same name as a dick?"

His eyes were raking my body. I swear he wasn't gay sometimes, maybe bi-sexual...a little. "Because you don't think I'm good enough for the juicy bits in your life, you take the trash out. Like---now because it's a lot of it. Bertha had mad new-growth this month." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fine, hoe." I smacked my teeth and dropped the broom for him to clean up what I didn't. Yes, I was hiding something but I wasn't going to tell his ass who couldn't hold water for shit. I'd met a dude that I couldn't keep my mind off of. He had me and I wasn't willing to let it go. I barely let people in but when I did, I couldn't just let them go without letting my peace be restored.

The lights were dimmed outside, the rain had stopped which was perfect. Although I was trying to keep the hair looking good, at this point, I didn't give a damn. Walking to the dumpster, I tossed the bag as best as I could into it but my luck, the shit busted on me. I gasped in disgust as the smell of old hair, dye and whatever else was now on my body.

"Need help?"

The voice was not D's. I turned on my heel and reached for my back to find the small cold metal I had gotten use to as I went outside at night to do this very thing when I couldn't make D's ass do it.

"Who's there----don't fuck with me!" I couldn't see shit. As bad as I wanted to, the rain wasn't really rain, it was that drizzle shit that still caused fog to cling to glass and the glasses I was wearing was on its last leg until my next cash out.

"You smell delicious." The voice said once more causing me to grip, pull the gun out the back of my pants. Bringing the cold metal in-front of my view, even if I couldn't see who I was pointing it at, I was ready to kill whoever it was regardless of religion or fuckin' game.

"I swear to sweet baby Jesus, if you don't come out that damn corner, I'm going to unload this gun and give you a ticket to see the big man!" I wasn't scared. More like I didn't give a shit. I could feel my stomach doing that shit it did a few years back. I didn't care then either when I let that mother-fucker have it the second his foot stepped over the threshold of my home.

"I wouldn't do that, my Egyptian queen."

Before my eyes, my senses, this man along with an aroma that made my head swim, rushed me....he cradled me into his arms, holding me as if I had fallen but, no, I was standing, I think. I blinked hard, coughed a little, whatever to keep my mind from going where his presence was taking me. His beautiful grey eyes were a sense that pierced my soul, the windows to my soul.

"Who?" I managed to let slip from my lips.

"Shuu...sleep." He spoke once and only once...before I felt the sweetest exit to my once controlled world. He put me where no one could ever usher me, not without my permission.

Just like that. D' didn't matter, the shop or my fuckin' equilibrium because I was somewhere else and honestly, at the moment, I didn't much care. He reminded me of a part of me I hadn't yet known but visited as a child. Egyptian Queen, the words I only heard from family I barely knew. I was just a little girl when my grandmother told me the stories. I remember clinging to them as if they were mine, about me.

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