10. Progress

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"Hey George, where's my scrunchie?  The blue one."

"Second drawer on the right."


That's how it was now.  Small words here and there.  Simple yet domestic conversations in nature.  It was nice.  George was still generally quiet around other people but there was actual communication for them.  McKenna and George had decided on a routine.  Every night before bed they sat down and talked about their highs and lows of the day.  What was the best part and what was the worst part of the day.  Sometimes the conversation stayed light and happy.  Other times it strayed towards more serious conversation.  However they never entered the territory of their nightmares.  There was an unspoken rule... literally.  Tonight though, that rule was going to be broken.


Today was exhausting.  McKenna sighed as she flopped down on the couch, pulling her hair out of her ponytail.  Closing her eyes she drifted off until a few minutes later she heard muffled noises down the short hallway.  George was home.  Wait. Home?  I mean we are living here for the next year so I suppose it's home.  Keeping her eyes closed she listened as socked feet padded closer and the couch dipped near her head.  Fingers threaded into her hair and massaged her scalp.  She replied with a small smile and a low hum opening her eyes.  George was looking down at her with a small smile.  

"Hmmm whatcha looking at honeybee?"

McKenna asked

"You're pretty sunshine that's all."

McKenna squeaked in surprise and covered her now red face.  slowly she pulled her hands down past her eyes and peeked up at him and mumbled

"When did you get so bold..."

George let out a small laugh

"Always have been sunshine, just had a good day is all."

McKenna giggled and reached up, grabbing George's hand she interlocked their fingers.

"Tell me all about it cause my day was absolutely terrible."

George squeezed her hand and proceeded to softly talk about his visit with Fred.  His hand had twitched twice today so they think he may wake up soon.  George's mood seemed to be best it was since before the battle.  Feeling a bit bold McKenna shifted up and laid her head down on George's lap snuggling his hand under her chin.  They haven't really talked about their relationship all that much, just slowly cross boundaries one at a time.  George blushed and continued to tell his story of his day.  Feeling content and warm, George's voice so smooth and soothing, McKenna's eyelids suddenly felt like a ton of bricks.  George noticed and smirked.  He continued to talk until she was asleep.  Once she was George slowly shifted, sneaking his hand out of hers, he lifted her up carefully and carried her up to the bedroom.  Softly tucking her in George decided to take the couch for the night.  The night ended up being shorter than expected when he was awoken from an ear splitting scream.  

A/N - hey guys... uh I'm alive. lol sorry school and COVID and work just kinda stressed me out big time and I took the time I needed to catch myself back up in school.  They gave a few days for spring break which was nice for me to catch back up.  I will probably still be a little sporadic with my updating still as we start entering the crunch time of my semester.  Well as always enjoy and if you see any grammar or spelling let me know! Love you guys! <3   - Author

George Weasley // Stuck with meWhere stories live. Discover now