Chapter 2

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 2

Shayla groaned.

The feel of the damp cloth on her forehead felt marginally good but she felt disorientated and sore.

She was lying in a bed

She opened her eyes and stared at the small room which held a couch a table and a kitchenette against the far wall.

“Shhh I have you.” Someone said from her side

His voice was soothing in a battleground of pain that raged within.

“Who are you?” She moaned turning toward him.

His smile took her breath away,

There beside her sat a boy maybe her own age or slightly older,

His eyes were a black like pools of night yet their bottomless depths held her still, captured by his spell

His fringe fell into his face partially blocking his stare, which seemed to consume her like he burned with a hunger.

Shayla felt self conscious all of a sudden,

How must she look to him?

She felt sweaty and hot and she didn’t doubt she looked a mess.

She raised her hand pressing it to her cheek,

She felt hot like fire under her touch.

He took her hand guiding it down to her side

“I am taking care of you”

“Who are you?” She repeated.

“My name is Jace, I found you in the forest yesterday morning. You were unconscious and well__”

Yesterday oh my goodness, have I really been out of it that long.”

He nodded before he took the cloth from her fore head and trailed his fingers over her cheek before rinsing it in cool water and replacing it on her forehead again

“Where am I?”

“This is my place.” He looked around the room “Well at least it is for now I come and go from here.”

“Come and Go?”

“Yeah, This is a pad for when I need to get away which in about once a month.”

He grinned and Shayla couldn’t help but smile back, everything about him melted her in every possible way.

They sat in silence for a while.

He changed to cloth against her forehead a couple more times each time he did he studied her though that thick dark hair that hid his eyes

She took the time to think about what it would taste like to kiss his luscious full lips

He licked them unconsciously as he studied her, setting Shayla on fire.

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