Epilouge ~ xoxo

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© Joanna Bock 2012. All Rights Reserved.

First Draft


Almost 9 Years later

Shayla sat in the old rocking chair on the porch. She rocked gently and smiled, letting her eyes close as she reminisced on her life.

She thought back to when Jace had asked her to move into his apartment. The time they had spent alone without a care in the world. It had taken exactly one year until she had realised there would be a child in their lives. It hadn’t worked quite like that though when she had given birth to twins. But those boys treasured their younger sister. They worshipped her, like she was the goddess herself.

She roused to the sound of Bianca asking her a question.

“Shouldn’t you have had that baby already?” 

Shayla smiled. “It will come when it is ready B. And quite frankly between the three we already have, I am in no hurry to have this one.

She listened as her brother and husband argued over another pack issue, as always Zane and Flynn just sat back and let them war it out before they got involved.

Jace still didn’t want to be the Alpha and he had basically solved the problem quite well. Instead of the super pack everyone had though would become of the three packs coming together, Jace had opted to have a council.

He had chosen Flynn to run Terranova, Zane to run Yule and Vincent headed the Ryder pack. If there was a major problem Jace would still step in.

Each pack had kept their own lands, there own identity to a point. But now they ran as one. When it came to disputes against rival territories’ nothing really stood a chance against them. They fought as one; they lived as one.

Shayla liked the system, it left time free for their family.

Seven year olds, Kayden and Seth were enough of a challenge. But raising a daughter in their world took all their attention. Shayla didn’t blame Jaralynn and Anton for hiding her now, it was a constant battle keeping six year old Thora safe. Thora was an image of her father his dark hair with Shayla’s wild blue eyes. She had been named after Jace’s mother, but Shayla had fallen in love with the name as quickly as she had fallen for her child.

She couldn’t imagine never seeing her grow up.

Shayla watched as Bianca took another seat and began to feed her own child. Meika was her second child. Her first also a girl named. Shayla watched as Hana was currently bulling Seth as she always did. Shayla often wondered how early a boy could choose his mate. Seth never lost his temper at her no matter how much he was pushed, yet if anyone was to hurt or bully Hana he would defend her like she was his alone.

Shayla wouldn’t be surprised if he was to claim her one day, but she kept it to herself.

“Will you have more children do you think?” She asked Bianca. Bianca’s answer was to laugh. “I never thought I would have these two Shay. I mean sheez, me and motherhood.”

“You make a wonderful mother, B.” Jace interrupted as he stepped from the cabin onto the porch. He kissed Shayla’s cheek as he leant over her from behind. His hand reached out rubbing over her stomach, as always there baby kicked in response to his touch.

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