Chapter 11

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 11


Shayla screamed as she was dragged into a car, while the man from the Starbucks followed calmly getting into the passengers’ seat, he spoke to the driver in a muffled voice, but the driver said nothing, only nodding in reply.

He was handed a needle, something pinkish swirled inside the tube. Shayla stared at it in surprise.

Did these men want to hurt her? Where they going to kidnap her, take her against her will, hurt or even kill her?


Shayla whimpered in the back seat as the two large men who had grabbed her began to hold her, she was sandwiched between them both with no possible escape but she fought against them all the same.

“Fighting is futile Shayla.” The stranger who she had been so quick to trust told her. She felt so foolish,

“How do you know my name?” She cried out knowing she had never told him her name.

He chuckled without answering her question. The stranger stared at her waiting for something.


The two men who held her gave her a hard shake causing Shayla’s teeth to knock together as she felt her arm click in the socket of her shoulder.

“Do not hurt her! Do you understand me you insolent fool's!” The stranger shouted at them his face was a mask of anger, which he smoothed back to an emotionless slate as he turned back to Shayla.

“You may not understand any of this yet but you will Shayla__ oh you will, now have you quite finished your little tizzy fit.” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at her causing Shayla to grow angry. She spat in his face and began thrashing about all over again. The stranger snarled at her wiping his face on a handkerchief he pulled from his pocket.


The men shook her again and the one to her left dug his fingers painfully into her arm.

She yelped and stilled for a moment flinching as the strangers lighting fast reactions startled her.

 He lunged over the seat pinning the man who had hurt her by his throat.

 “What did I say, I said do not hurt her, are you prepared to die for her now? Is that it? I see the way you watch her like she is yours to claim.”

He got calmer and calmer with every word. He paused giving the other man a false sense of security, until he finished yelling into the man’s face, his fingers tightening into his throat “She is not yours and you will not fucking touch her!”


His nostrils flared and Shayla could see his grey eyes had turned a shade or two darker until they appeared almost black. He threw him back in the seat as if he was discussed with the thought he had actually touched him at all.

He turned to Shayla grabbing a hold of her arms before he pushed the needle deep into her vein pushing the plunger all the way down to the hilt.

“Nighty night Sweetheart.” He told her in a smug little voice.


The air in her lungs felt like cotton wool all thick and suffocating as a track of ice trailed up her arm. Her vision swam and her head began to feel like it was filled with lead, the ice travelled into her body moving closer and closer to her heart. Her fingers began to tingle with pins and needles and her tongue felt thick and rubbery in her mouth.

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