Chapter 24 ~ Part one

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 24 ~Part one


Jace watched Shayla sleeping. He was still a little dazed from the previous night. Just making love to her had blown his mind; her claiming him, had left him dumbfounded but her shifting into a werewolf that had knocked him for six, leaving him totally flabbergasted. He reached out gently stroking his fingers though her hair, pushing the loose strands behind her ear so he could watch her face. Touching her had always left him lightheaded, but that had been an understatement to how he felt now. Touching her sent shock waves though him, leaving him tingling like he had touched his finger to a power socket.

She smiled, still sleeping.

Intending to go and shower before he prepared her some breakfast, Jace learnt down gently, he tenderly kissed her lips. He felt Shayla’s hand trail into his hair holding him there as she kissed him back. She moaned a little tightening her hold on him, as she deepened the kiss opening to him, he hungered for her, she broke away kissing down his jaw line until she brushed her lips over the spot where she had marked him. He gripped handfuls of sheets around her, moaning as he melted against her.

“Ah Jesus baby, so damn good.” He groaned. She purred beneath him. pulling away. “Good morning to you to.”

Shayla moaned as she tried to move. “I hurt so much.” Jace had known this would happen. Making love to him would be the least of her worries now. Every bone, every muscle and joint would have been on fire for her. “I’m sorry you have to feel all this baby. I wish I could take this pain away for you.”

He stood and scooped her into his arms. “Do you want the bathroom?” he whispered into her ear.

She blushed and nodded putting her arms around his neck. “Yes please,” she replied in a small voice.

“Baby I have spent enough mornings waking up with you now to know it is the first place you want to go.” He smiled as she looked down averting his gaze. He sat her down on the closed toilet lid. And turned to turn on the shower, before leaving the room for her.

He returned a moment later after he heard the toilet flush and the water hitting the shower wall stopped. He walked into the room and stood leaning against the basin with his arms crossed.

“Are you enjoying my shower baby?” He asked her. He watched her letting his eyes roam over her. He had fully intended to share with her but having her on about the situation was worth the light entertainment. She turned leaning against the wall and crocked her finger, enticing him to join her.

He climbed into the shower pinning Shayla’s arms above her against the wall. “I think this went a little differently the last time we were here; I like this better.” He growled against her lips before he devoured them. Bruising them against his own before he broke free sucking gently against his mark. Her knees gave out as she gasped. Sliding down the wall. Jace let go of her wrists, grabbing at her hips. “Steady there baby.” He chuckled. “Note to self, make sure your not on your feet again when I do that.” He couldn’t help the amusement in his voice as he said his last statement.

He turned her so her back was to him. Kissing the line of her shoulder, reaching out Jace took the soap, using it as lubrication he began rubbing her shoulders, moving down her back in deep kneading circles massaging all the little knots from her. She groaned, relaxing as he worked his way down her back. She leaned against him as he took her arm, pressing his finger tips into the pressure points and working the tension from her. He moved onto the other arm, trying to keep his thoughts innocent as he eased her pain.

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