Chapter 16

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 16


Bianca protested at the girl calling Flynn ‘riff raff’ but Jace had other things on his mind and blocked her out as white noise.

“Do you remember who the hell I am? Jace questioned pulling the girl to a stop as they walked down the hall toward another set of lifts. She stared at him for a while.

“I know who you are, what I don’t know is why you are finally here.”

What the hell did that mean? Jace wondered.

She turned and continued to walk down the hall without giving any further explanation. Bianca’s protests grew louder in his ear.

“Shut up B!” he told her loosing his temper.

She pushed him in the centre of his back “It’s Bianca, you dick!”

Flynn pulled her back glaring at Jace as he turned her around to face him.

“Stop it you two, shit are we here to take them on or each other. B, baby you need to stop, Jace hurts and I am not worried by what these mutts think of me. What if this was us? What if you were wherever Shayla is right now?” Jace watched as Bianca closed her eyes and looked down at the floor. Flynn tightened his grip on her wrapping her into his arms as she nodded slightly.

“Sorry, I just don’t want__ I’m sorry Jace, I actually was beginning to like her even if she is a boy magnet.”

Jace knew she didn’t say sorry easily and even if he hated the way she referred to Shayla as a ‘boy magnet’ He knew she was referring to the fact she smelt so good to the male wolf population, if she didn’t Jace figured they wouldn’t be here now.

“Not was Bianca, don’t refeer to her as was, she is. I refuse to give up on her.”

Bianca nodded and stepped forward as Flynn released her from his arms, she hugged Jace briefly and stepped back.

“If you tell anyone I was nice I am going to hurt you Jace.

Their attention was caught by the irritated clearing of the women’s throat.

“This is all very touching you know, all this love and war and bullshit but could we please press on. If the boss hadn’t sent me here to collect you personally I would have ditched you all at Hello.” She tapped her foot as if she was bored to tears waiting her left hand rested on her hip and her head hung to the side slowly she pulled her hand up and inspected her nails frowning.

“Bitch please!” Bianca moaned pushing passed her.

The women walked after her sighing as if she had better things to worry about.  “What is your name?” Jace asked her following her down the hall. He heard her laugh before she replied, “Please Jace, Why would my name be of importance now.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Jace growled. His patience was quickly running out. “It means you had no interest in knowing my name while you were busy seducing me on that dance floor all those years ago, so why would you find it so important now?” Jace grabbed her arm and spun her around. “You freaking bit me! It fucking matters!”

She didn’t answer him she only looked down at her arm which Jace still gripped, Jace let go and she turned walking away.

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