Chapter 5

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All RightsReserved

Chapter 5


Holly shit. Jace thought.

What the hell did she really mean she believed he was a werewolf, did she really want to see his wolf.

“Are you asking me__ you want me to sh__”

Why the hell couldn’t he say it shift he yelled in his head before he tried to ask her again, but she beat him to it.

“I don’t think you were joking were you?

Jace swallowed the lump in his throat that had formed blocking it and robbing him of the ability to speak.

Jace shook his head “No”

Shayla frowned so he pushed harder to form a whole sentence.

“There is no__ I can’t.”

He could lie to her but deception wasn’t lying was it? Yeah it was but it was creative lying so he decided that he would just delay the truth.

“But last night you__ your shirt.”

“I took it off yeah I did and I ran though the forest I do that some times I like to run and I didn’t want to destroy the shirt.” He shrugged.

Still looking at her he waited for her to ask more questions.

“I found little pieces of your jeans all over the ground.” She said quietly in a last ditch effort to prove she wasn’t going insane.

Jace took hold of her face in both of his hands.

“I was wearing my jeans when I left wasn’t I?”

She nodded.

“Then how would I have ended up with lots of little bits of them all over the yard.”

She looked down at his jeans and he was glad he had put on a pair that looked so close to the ones he had lost the previous night.

“I think they look pretty good don’t you.”

She smiled and nodded. Jace noticed the glint in her eye.

She was getting worse every moment they were together.

“We need food Shayla, I was thinking I might go out to the store later today and get some supplies, will you be okay if I did that, I would be maybe an hour or so.”

Shayla nodded again she didn’t speck.

Jace frowned.

She was too quiet, even in the worst of the fevers pitch she had talked more than she did now.

He held out his hand and she put her own into his and he led her back into the cabin. Jace needed a distraction long enough for him to clean up the remains of his jeans from the night before.

He couldn’t understand why he hadn’t just shifted like she wanted and shown her his wolfs form but something had spoken to him told him the time wasn’t right, that she wasn’t ready,

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