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Taehyung grumpily walked out of his bedroom, huffing out in annoyance.

He wasn't sure why he was mad, he just was. His room was a mess and always made him feel upset. He just didn't have to motivation to clean it.

He sat on the couch and sighed softly. He was pretty calm, that was until his caregivers walked in.

"Kim Taehyung, me and oppa just walked into your room and it was a complete disaster! Clean it right now mister." Jungkook scolded.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at them. "Noooo." He mimicked.

Jimin sighed and took Taehyung's hand and lifted him up and off of the couch. "We are not going to take this behavior from you. Clean your room, now." He said in annoyance.

Taehyung was fuming by now. "I won't clwean my stupwid woom! You can't make me so just lweave me alone!" He shouted at them.

The caregivers stood there in shock while Taehyung ran back into his room. "Kim Taehyung you are getting it now." They mumbled.

Jungkook walked to his door and knocked. "Taehyung open this door right now." He said and they heard a distressed sob.

"No!" Taehyung screamed from the other side and the caregivers sighed.

"Baby, we're sorry please open the door. You won't have to clean your room." Jimin begged and taehyung rolled his eyes again.

"Never, ever, ever! Leave. Me. Alone!" He talked back to them.

His caregivers don't think he's ever back talked this bad. Maybe a couple times but not like this.

"Taebaby, we want to know what is making you so upset." Jungkook said and taehyung sniffled.

He slowly got up and double thought about opening the door before opening it.

His eyes were swollen and red and he just looked drained and exhausted.

"M' sowwy." He whimpered and Jungkook immediately lifted him onto his hip.

"No baby it's ok, what's making our baby so upset, hm?" Jimin asked and Taehyung shrugged.

"Taetae don't know. Just feel upset." He whispered and they frowned.

"Could it be, your room? Are you loosing motivation?" Jungkook asked and taehyung giggled softly. "Mhm." He sniffled and they nodded.

"Do you want daddy and oppa to help you clean it?" Jimin asked and taehyung nodded.

"Ok bubba, come on." They said softly and Jungkook set Taehyung on his bed.

"You sit here and me and daddy will clean up, alright?" Jimin asked and taehyung nodded with his thumb in his mouth.

And then after about 20 minutes, Taehyung's room was looking decent again.

In those 20 minutes taehyung started to feel littler. He just sat and watched his caregivers clean with his thumb in his mouth.

They both sighed and laid in Taehyung's bed and got under the covers, pulling taehyung under with them.

Jungkook pulled out one of his pacifiers and placed it in his mouth, making the little giggle cutely.

Taehyung yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Taetae sowwy he yelled at daddy and oppa." He said and they smiled.

"Hey, it's alright baby, it's all forgiven." Jungkook said softly and rubbed his head.

He giggled again and his eyes fluttered shut. "Wub chu." He mumbled and they chuckled and said it back.

Kind of proofread
550 words

Sorry for the late update but I think I'm gonna start updating late and not every 4 days. But this was a request so thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoyed it.

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