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Taehyung babbled softly in his crib and squinted when light shined through the door.

"Mornin' baby!" Jimin cooed and pet Taehyung's head.

Taehyung grabbed onto his finger and Jimin cooed again. "Looks like someone's feeling even more little, huh?" He asked and taehyung just babbled softly.

He picked him up and brought him downstairs. They went to the couch where Jungkook was also siting and jimin set him on the ground.

Taehyung happily gasped at the look of left out blocks he was playing with the other day and he crawled to set one in his mouth.

Jimin quickly took the block and softly set it back down with the others.

"You play with them, not eat them, baby." He scolded gently and taehyung just pushed them slightly, not really enjoying the cubed toys.

His smile appeared on his face again quickly as he crawled around, but that smile disappeared when he accidentally slammed his knee on the toy box.

Everything was silent for a second until taehyung finally bursted into tears. Jungkook lifted himself from the couch quickly and picked him up.

"Don't cry bubba, it's just a little boo boo your ok." He cooed and brought him to the bathroom.

Taehyung weeped into jungkook's shoulder and sniffed when Jimin walked into the bathroom.

"I brought bee to make you feel better baby." Jimin said and gave taehyung the stuffed bee. (Why does that remind me of tubbo)

Taehyung shoved his face in the bee and cried when Jungkook put a bandaid on.

"Ok ok, it's all over, I finished." He said softly and they went back into the living room.

"Do you wanna go outside today? It's a beautiful spring day and we bought one of those sprinkler things." Jimin suggested and taehyung hesitantly nodded, but kept his hold on his bee.

"We can bring bee too. We can get him his own chair to watch you play." Jungkook said and taehyung nodded.

They all went outside and taehyung gasped when the cold water touched him once on accident.

He giggled and took a drink from the sprinkler, and his caregivers laughed.

Jimin carefully set bee on a little chair and they both ran to join him.

Taehyung ran through the sprinkler and giggled at his caregivers. After a while, Jungkook playfully picked him up and wrapped a towel around him.

"But daddy," taehyung whined. "Don't wanna go in." He said and Jungkook chuckled.

"I know you don't want to but it's getting late and we need to eat something." He told him and jimin gave him bee.

Taehyung huffed but nodded anyway. "We have pizza?" He asked and they nodded.

"Sure." They said and taehyung giggled happily.

"Tank chu!" He said and they both laughed.

"Your welcome baby, come on now." Jimin said and took his hand, leading him to the kitchen, where Jungkook ordered the pizza.

Not proofread
490 words

End of this book!!!!!!! I decided to stop on an even number because I couldn't do that to you guys. Thank you so much for the reads and the votes and I will probably still make stories but not today because I procrastinated to do my homework and it's the end of spring break so I should probably go do that. But be on the look out for new books from me because they will be there! Thank you all again and thank you for reading my book!

 But be on the look out for new books from me because they will be there! Thank you all again and thank you for reading my book!

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