Sad baby

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Taehyung whimpered as he walked down the street. He was walking back home from the cafe. It was a beautiful day at first, no clouds, no sun, and a little chilly, just the way tae liked it.

But when he was getting out of the cafe, it started to rain. Not that Taehyung didn't like the rain, he just forgot his umbrella.

He hated getting wet, especially in his clothes. He just felt like crying because of how miserable and upset he was.

But luck was really not on his side as a car went by and splashed a puddle on him.

He gasped and looked down, looking at how soaked he was.

He decided to jog home, not wanting anything else unfortunate to occur.

The 10 minutes of jogging felt like 50 minutes to Taehyung. The rain got heavier as he kept jogging and he started to hear thunder.

Thunder was a huge no-no for little Taehyung. He was about to curl in a ball in the middle of the road and slip.

But then he looked ahead and saw his and jungkook and jimin's house and ran faster.

He got to the door and shook his wet hair, splashing his face in the process making him whimper once again.

He sadly opened the door and sniffled.

"I-I'm home." He said quietly and took his shoes off and his socks that were soaked. (Worst. Feeling. Ever in my opinion)

"Hey baby, we'll be down in a second!" He heard Jimin yell from upstairs.

He sighed and sadly walked to the living room and laid on the couch, getting the couch soaked in the process.

"Hi babe, how was the cafe?" Jungkook asked as he walked into the room.

Taehyung's bottom lip quivered and he felt himself slipping.

"Baby?" He asked again and taehyung finally broke down.

"Woah what's the matter, bub?" Jungkook asked and sat on the couch, wincing when he felt a cold substance on his bottom.

Taehyung crawled in his lap and shoved his head in his chest, sobbing loudly.

"Petal your soaked, what happened?" He asked and pulled the boy closer despite the feeling of his clothes getting wet.

"T-the, I-I- it." Taehyung stuttered and jungkook shushed him.

"Calm down first baby." He whispered and taehyung took deep shaky breaths.

Just at that moment, Jimin came into the room.

"What's wrong, who's crying?" He asked and Jungkook looked at him in disbelief.

"You think I would be crying? I'm too manly, when was one time you saw me cry?" He asked and jimin raised his eyebrows, sitting on the couch and rubbing tae's back while he cried.

"Last week when you watched that one movie." He simply answered and jungkook gasped.

"Well you can't blame me, Jessica didn't deserve to die!" He yelled and taehyung sobbed louder.

"Sorry bubba, now tell us what happened now that your calm." Jimin said and taehyung removed his head from jungkooks chest.

"W-went to cafe and g-got all icky." He sobbed and jimin shushed him.

"Aw baby, it's okay." He cooed and Taehyung whined.

"All icky an' cold!" He whimpered and jimin picked him up and headed up the stairs, Jungkook following closely behind.

"Then let's get you a warm bath, yeah?" He asked and taehyung nodded.

They entered the bathroom and Jimin sat him onto the toilet seat while Jungkook warmed up the bath water.

"Taetae pway wiff duckies!" Taehyung screeched out and jungkook set him into the water.

"Yeah taetae can play with his duckies." Jungkook said and cooed while rubbing his head.

Taehyung picked up his ducks and started making duck noises, making the caregivers coo silently.

"Baby lean your head back, I'm gonna dump water on your head." Jimin said and taehyung leaned his head back.

"Good boy." Jungkook said and they stopped the water and pulled him out of the tub.

"Cold, cold!" He yelled and jimin wrapped him in a blanket and jungkook picked him up.

"Let's get you into a onesie." He said and taehyung bounced in his hold.

"Wan' tiger." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.

"Okay, lets get your tiger." He cooed and changed him into the tiger onesie.

"All cwean and changed!" Taehyung said and jumped out of his hold and ran into the living room where Jimin was watching tv.

"Oppa! Taetae cwean!" Taehyung screamed and jumped into his lap, making him groan.

"I see baby, your a little tiger." He said and tae nodded, resting his head on his chest.

He was feeling drowsy from all of the crying and jogging he did.

"Tired, love?" Jungkook asked as he walked into the room and laid down, cuddling with his two lovers.

"Mhm." He mumbled quietly and felt his eyes close.

"Then get some sleep, we love you baby." Jimin said and kissed his head, Jungkook kissing his cheek at the same time.

"Wub chu." Was all Taehyung said before everything went black and he was deep asleep.

837 words

I decided to make another story because I had free time and I wanted to give you guys something in return for being so patient with me. ❤️😂

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