~~Liberty's point of view~~
It's been two years.
Things worked better than I could ever imagine. Cue lets me watch them sometimes. Phoenix is my nephew; I have two nieces named Paxtyn and Liberty. Luka's wife wanted to name her after me. I cried as I watched the conversation. It was a bittersweet moment.
Jimmy did what I said, and Luka listened. Phoenix listened too. He was the one that brought Pepper and Luka together. Cue was right, though. It wasn't easy for them. They struggled but are now happy and are doing great.
Tim and Luka are incredibly close and own a business together. The first time I saw him with Luka, it took me back. He is a carbon copy of our father. They look identical; he and I have the same eyes. Luka has a lighter shade, but they are blue. Tim made both of our parents happy when he changed his name. Nobody can say we don't know how to party here. We threw down.
It's all really bittersweet. It's always painful to watch, but we know that they are happy and that we can pop in whenever we want. It gives me a sense of peace. I know we still have to work on Tim. Cue said he needs more time, and I agree. He did terrible things and then had terrible things done to him. He is going to make it, though. With Luka's help, he is back on his feet.
Cue: "Liberty!"
Liberty: "Coming."
It has been eight years of torture living with this man.
I make my way to his office.
Liberty: "What's up?"
He gives me a cocky grin.
Cue: "I could be if you wanted me to be."
I roll my eyes.
Liberty: "What do you want, Cue?"
Cue: "I need you to go pick up our new recruit at the gate. There should be two. Carson and CJ. Father and son. His parents, as well as his wife's parents, are with Tabitha."
Liberty: "What about his wife?"
Cue: "She was spared. His wife is Tim's match."
Liberty: "Is that why he is here?"
Cue: "No, he is here for something different."
Liberty: "Ok. Where is Harry?"
Cue: "His mate is in labor."
Harry's mate came in a year and a half ago. They had an instant connection and were married the same day; Things are done very differently here. Just because we're on the other side doesn't mean we don't have normal lives.
Liberty: "How old is the child?"
Cue: "He is four."
Liberty: "Aww, he's still a baby. Why was he taken?"
Cue: "It was his time, Sweetheart."
Liberty: "Still, it's sad."
Cue: "It is."
Liberty: "How did we get him?"
Cue: "All I have is you."
Liberty: "Am I not good enough for you?"

Cupid's Plan
LosoweTim is a single dad. He's been divorced for four years. Being the father of a girl is hard, especially when it's daddy/daughter dance time. The sequel to Build me a Daddy.