Chapter 13

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

Chapter Thirteen: The Possession
The Evil Force POV

"Are you guys ready?" I asked The Wicked Tsunami, the Wicked Cyclone, The Howling Dust Devil, The Howling Windstorm, and the other nine members of GSVL.

It was now around 4:00 in the morning on Saturday, February 14th, and we, along with Nora, Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, Scarlet, Stanley, Margret, Victor, Frank, Delilah, Liana, and Gregory, were all just standing inside of The Erupting Waterspout and The Erupting Volcano's "abandoned" house, waiting for the perfect time to possess Phoebe, Max, Carly, and their friends. Today was the perfect day to do that because we were waiting until they all got together again and today, they were all having a sleepover over at their friends' house in New Orleans.

The other nine members of GSLV, Dust, Windstorm, Tsunami, and Cyclone all looked at each other, then back at me. They all nodded in response.

"Alright, we'll be back soon," I told Nora, Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, Scarlet, Stanley, Margret, Victor, Frank, Delilah, Liana, and Gregory.

"Ok," they replied.

"Alright, let's do this!" My husband, The Evil Force announced.

With that being said, all of the other ghost super villains and I snapped our fingers, magically teleporting ourselves to New Orleans.

Not even a second later, we all arrived in a living room that had reddish-purple striped walls and a dark-red carpet. The room was very old-fashioned and was filled with a bunch of old pictures, old mirrors, tall bookshelves, several old-fashioned couches and chairs, a coffee table, and a black tv. Sleeping in sleeping bags around and on the couches and chairs, was Phoebe, Max, Carly, and their friends. The rest of the GSVLs, Dust, Windstorm, Cyclone, Tsunami, and I all turned to look at each other, smirking. I then tried to snap my fingers, making an attempt to possess Phoebe, who was sleeping all curled up in her dark-blue sleeping bag with a Thunder Man "T" on it on the floor. For some odd reason, that did nothing at all. Confused, I looked over at my friends. Only Triumph, Cyclone, Tsunami, and Windstorm were still there. I could tell that their ghost powers had also failed because they looked just as confused as I was. Then all of the sudden, Charlotte, Dice, Cat, Taylor, Frankie, Gibby, Freddie, and Henry got up off of the floor and walked towards us. I assumed that Dust, Monster, Demon, Waterspout, Volcano, Flame, Heat, Weapon, and Strike were now possessing them.

"What gives?" I asked, "How come I can't possess Phoebe?"

"I don't know, but for some reason, I can't possess Max," Triumph told me.

"That's odd," Gibby stated in Volcano's deep voice, "Perhaps they are wearing demonite."

"But why would they be wearing demonite?" I questioned, "It's not like they knew about this."

"You never know, Force," Frankie began in Weapon's voice, "They're superheroes. There is a chance that one of them had a premonition."

"Whatever. Let's just possess them before anybody wakes up."

"But, we can't, Force. They're all wearing demonite," Tsunami pointed out as he stood over Phoebe and looked down at a black necklace with a blue amulet.

Then all of the sudden, Phoebe began to stretch and make quiet noises. Startled, Triumph, Windstorm, Tsunami, Cyclone, and I snapped our fingers, teleporting ourselves to the sidewalk that was right in front of the Hathaway's and Preston's house. About a minute later, Gibby, Freddie, Taylor, Frankie, Henry, Charlotte, Cat, and Dice, who were still possessed by the rest of GSVL, came racing out of the Hathaway's bakery, Pie Squared, which is attached to the house. Not knowing what else to do, I snapped my fingers and poofed up a getaway car. All of the sudden, a huge, red van appeared in the middle of the street. I quickly pulled one of its doors open and climbed into the driver's seat.

"But, Force, what about Phoebe, Carly, and Max?" Freddie asked in Fire's voice, "Aren't those the ones who we are the after the most?"

"Yeah, but Phoebe could've saw us!" I shouted back, "Superheroes can see ghosts, remember!?!? Now, get in! We'll just have to deal with what we have!"

Following my orders, the rest of GSVL, Cyclone, Dust, Windstorm, and Tsunami climbed into the van. As soon as everybody was inside, I stuck the key in the start engine, turned it, and floored the gas pedal.

Because New Orleans is on the opposite side of Louisiana, it took us four hours to drive all the way back to Waterspout and Volcano's abandoned house. Surprisingly, the drive went fairly well. However, we did have to shake a few cops off of our tail because we were basically "super speeding" the whole entire time. The rest of GSVL, Cyclone, Dust, Windstorm, Tsunami, and I quickly hopped out of the van and ran back into the house. As soon as we got in, we had to explain to Nora, Linda, Mack, Paul, Steve, Scarlet, Stanely, Gregory, Margret, Frank, Delilah, Victor, and Liana how we were unable to possess Phoebe, Max, Carly, and their younger siblings. After that, Triumph, Cyclone, Dust, Tsunami, Windstorm, and I used our ghost powers to poof up a bunch of hammers, chain saws, and saws. We then used them to completely wreck Waterspout and Volcano's abandoned house. Since he is the oldest, Mack then called the police, pretending to be the owner of the house, saying how they were a bunch of criminals wrecking his house. About five minutes later, the authorities finally arrived to catch Taylor, Frankie, Cat, Dice, Gibby, Freddie, Henry, and Charlotte destroying the house. They then arrested them and put handcuffs on them. The rest of GSVL made sure to make them tell the policemen and women their names. We watched as they shoved Taylor, Frankie, Cat, Dice, Gibby, Freddie, Henry, and Charlotte into their black and white patrol cars. Loud sirens blared and bright red and blue lights flashes as they drove away. Triumph, Cyclone, Windstorm, Tsunami, Nora, Linda, Paul, Steve, Mack, Stanley, Liana, Frank, Gregory, Scarlet, Victor, Delilah, Margret, and I all turned towards each other with devious looks on our faces. We all smirked at one another.

"Our evil plan is almost completed," Cyclone stated.

We all nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to tell Twister and Hurricane. They'll be so proud of us."

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