Chapter 23

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

Chapter Twenty-Three: Planning Plan D
The Howling Dust Devil POV

"Man, I can't believe that we didn't think of this any sooner!" Monster exclaimed as soon as he, Demon, Waterspout, Volcano, Flame, Heat, Weapon, Strike and I arrived back at Waterspout and Volcano's abandoned house in Louisiana.

"What is it, Monster!?!?" Twister asked as he, Hurricane, Windstorm, Cyclone, Tsunami, Force, Triumph, Nora, Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, Scarlet, Stanley, Liana, Delilah, Victor, Frank, Margret, and Gregory ran up to us.

"Twister, Hurricane, Windstorm, Cyclone, Tsunami, forget about Plan C because Nora Thunderman just gave us a whole new one!" I announced, "And it's even better!"

"Nora Thunderman?" Hurricane asked, sounding confused, "Why would she ever give you guys any ideas!?!? We're her worst enemies!"

"No, she didn't actually give us an idea, but what she said gave us one!" Heat explained.

"What did she say?" Mack asked.

"She said that she sometimes wishes that her and her friends would have never met so they wouldn't of gotten into so many messes together," Demon answered.

"An' wha' 'dea did that give y'all?" Scarlet asked.

"Well, we were thinking that we could build a time machine and ruin all of their friendships," Waterspout began, "If they would have never met, Twister and Hurricane would of been able to get away with kidnapping Phoebe, Carly, Max, and Nevel and gaining Phoebe and Carly's powers. Also, they would have never been killed by those ghosts."

Twister and Hurricane began to think about what Waterspout just said for a moment.

"If you really think about it you're right because the Thunderman's wouldn't of been able to get to our deserted island as fast as they did to rescue them and since it would of been just them, they probably wouldn't be able to defeat us," Hurricane stated, "Either that or they wouldn't of been able to do it as easily and Twister and I wouldn't be ghost right now."

"True," we all agreed.

"So are all of you with us?" Volcano asked, "Are you guys into ditching Plan C and starting Plan D by creating a time machine so we can go back in time and destroy Phoebe, Max, Carly, and their friends' friendships with one another?"

Twister, Hurricane, Windstorm, Cyclone, Tsunami, Force, Triumph, Nora, Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, Scarlet, Stanley, Liana, Delilah, Victor, Frank, Margret, and Gregory all looked at each other, then back at me, Monster, Demon, Waterspout, Volcano, Flame, Heat, Weapon, and Strike. They all nodded their heads up and down in response. I smirked. I was glad to have everybody on board with a plan that was so evil that no ghost super villain could resist it.

"Excellent!" Monster, Demon, Waterspout, Volcano, Flame, Heat, Weapon, Strike, and I all exclaimed with evil delight.

"So, where shoul' we build the time machine?" Victor asked.

We all thought for a moment.

"Twister, Hurricane, do you think that you guys have enough supplies in your evil lair in order to build it?" The Evil Triumph asked as he turned towards The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane.

They both thought for a moment, trying to recall of the things that they had in their evil lair.

"I think we do," Twister finally responded.

"Yeah, I think that we do too," Hurricane agreed.

"Alright, why don't we do it there?" Triumph suggested.

"But, what about them, Triumph?" Force asked, "How are we supposed to get them there? Ghosts can't teleport humans anywhere!"

"Shoot, I forgot about that..."

"Well, we could just build it here," Linda suggested.

"Nah, I'd rather do it in a place that already has all of the stuff that we need.

"Me too," Twister, Hurricane, Cyclone, Tsunami, Windstorm, Twister, the rest of GSVL and I all agreed.

"But, Force, can't we just leave the humans here?" Fire asked, "Do we really need their help?"

"If you want to get the job done about ten times faster, then yes, we do need their help!"

"Wait, I've got it!" Twister announced, "I can't believe that I completely forgot that I got my powers back!"

The Dark Twister then closed his eyes and circled his hands into the air as he began to concentrate. I could easily tell what he was doing. He was going to summon a tornado so that it can take all of us over to his and Hurricane's evil lair. About a good ten-to-fifteen minutes later, we heard loud gusts of wind hit the house. We all looked outside to see a large spiral of clouds outside. Twister then quickly ran outside and we all followed him.

"Alright, now jump in!" Twister ordered as he pointed towards his tornado, which was quickly approaching the house.

"What!?!? Y'all be trippin'!" Delilah cried, "Ain't no way I'm jumpin' into a tornado! I'd get killed if I were to do that!"

"Yeah!" Nora, Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, Stanley, Victor, Scarlet, Liana, Margret, Gregory, and Frank all agreed.

"No, you won't!" Twister shouted, "You might get really dizzy and pass out, but you won't get torn to shreds as long as I allow it not to! Just trust me and jump in! This is your only form of transportation to our deserted island!"

Delilah, Nora, Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, Stanley, Victor, Scarlet, Liana, Margret, Gregory, and Frank all looked to each other.

"Alright, we're trusting you on this one, Twister...," Steve stated, still unsure about what he was about to do.

Following Twister's orders, all thirteen of them hopped into his tornado. Hurricane, Twister, Cyclone, Windstorm, Tsunami, and all of the ten members of GSVL did the same thing. We all quickly began to spin around in circles as we felt the tornado start to move forwards. Off we went to Twister and Hurricane's evil lair so we could all build a time machine and pull of the evilest scheme in super villain history.

End of Book V Part I.

A/N: Hey, sorry that this book is shorter compared to the others! But don't worry, all the chapters in both Part I and II combined will be more than the amount of chapters in my other books. Also, I don't know if Part II will be any longer, but it will surely be a whole lot more exciting! However, I do not know when it will be coming out because I have a busy couple of months ahead of me. First, I have to practice for my school's upcoming spelling bee that I will be in on Friday. Then, I have to take a huge test in the beginning of March and study for it. Next, I will be going on vacation at the end of March until the middle of April. Finally, I will be taking another huge test in the beginning of May. So, bear with me! I will do my best to write as much as I can to write in between all of those events and post it as soon as I can! If I have to post it in the middle or the end of a month just to get it out sooner, then I will.

Anyways, I would like to thank some people for supporting me. Those people are @DebbyranH, RyanSmith020 , @LuwamRockz, @leasiacrazy, @rizamaereelynsasing, @dmance, thequizissoyzie , @arianah_grandeh, ThunderGirl_403 , @NataliaJuma, @CaramelSweetz, @jasmineruby8, @alexispeden, @Cali_04, @JACK1OVERLAND1FROST, Writer_reader10 , @kkkkkke22, @SophiaHong28, @boobear_15, @TrudyGeorge, @BriarRaven, @MollyMcc4, @nuraishahhumayra, and @ExpressYourself. (Sorry if I missed anybody!) Without you guys, I would of never reached around 35,230 reads, 757 comments in total, 1,521 votes in total, and 71 followers. Thank you so much guys! You are all so awesome!

Before I go, I'd also kie to thank Kira_grande_016 for dedicating her book, My New Life, to me! So, please go check it out! Stay tuned to find out when I'll be releasing Part II!


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