Chapter 16

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

Chapter Sixteen: We Would Love To Help You!
Piper Hart POV

"Ughhhh, I hate this!" I groaned as Jasper walked me up to my school, Swellview Elementary, "Why do you have to walk me to school!"

"Because Henry and Charlotte are both on vacation and since you're too young to walk here yourself and your parents are too busy to do it!" Jasper explained.

"You think I don't know that!?!? I meant why do you have to walk me!?!? I'd much rather have my weird Uncle Joe walk me here than you!"

"Because I'm the closest one to your house out of all of the people you know. Plus, you need an older and stronger person to defend you just in case anything bad happens!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned towards Jasper with an angry look on my face. "Are you calling me weak!?!?"

"No, I'm just saying that I'm much taller and older than you so if someone were try to do something to us, I could defend us both!"

I laughed at Jasper's comment. "Ha! You couldn't even protect us from a kitten!"

"Could so!"

"No, you couldn't!"

"Yes, I could!"

"No, you couldn't, Jasper!"

"Yes, I could, Piper!"

A small smirk cam across my face. I then turned back around and continued to walk towards my school.

"Alright, I guess you could," I pretended to give in.

"See, I told you so!" Jasper rubbed in my face as he continued to walk.

Just as we were about to approach the school doors, I let out the most high-pitched, realistic, "Meow!" that I could.

"Ahhh!" Jasper shrieked as he jumped into the air, alarmed.

That's when I began to crack up. "See, I told you that you couldn't even protect us from a kitten!"

"I could totally protect us from a stupid, little kitten! The only reason I jumped was because I didn't expect such a weird sound to come out of your mouth!"

Just as I was about to make a really good comeback, I felt someone grab onto the collar of my pink shirt and drag me.

"JASPER!!!!" I cried, "HELP ME!!!"

"DON'T YOU MEAN HELP US!?!?" Jasper questioned.

I then turned my head to the right to see that Jasper was being dragged by the collar of his plaid, blue shirt. Like me, he was struggling to get free. Unfortunately, it was no use.

"Why is nobody helping us!?!?" I thought to myself, "Does anybody not see this!?!?"

I then looked around to see that Jasper, whoever was dragging us, and I were the only ones on the school premises.

"Did we show up too early?" I asked myself in my head, "Did we show up too late?"

Then all of the sudden, whoever was dragging Jasper and I stopped dragging us and turned us both around so that we were now facing them. In his blue and red suit and dark-blue mask, I noticed that the person who had dragged us was no other than Captain Man.

"OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE CAPTAIN MAN!!!" I shrieked with delight, "We met before! You made me president of the Man Fans, remember!?!?"

"And you came in my best friend, Henry's, house while I was doing a podcast in his bedroom, remember!?!?" Jasper asked.

"Oh yeah, I remember that!" Captain Man recalled.

"So, what did you drag us for?"

Captain Man glanced around, making sure that nobody was watching us, before he finally answered. "Well, I was just going to stun you guys and then take you to Louisiana, but I figured that wouldn't be so fair for you since you would be very confused, so I'm doing this instead!"

"I'm confused right now!"

"Yeah, me too!" I agreed, "What the heck are you talking about!?!?"

"Why do you need to take us to Louisiana?"

"Kid Danger and a couple of our friends are in Louisiana and their in some serious trouble! I need your help to save them!"

Jasper and I both looked at each other with excited looks on our faces. "We would love to help you!"

"Good, so I don't need to stun you two now!"

"So, what kind of trouble are they in?" I asked.

"You guys are probably not going to believe me when I tell you this, but I think that some super villain ghost possessed Kid Danger and some of my other friends and made them destroy this house so they would get arrested! I think that they might have done it do get back at my friends for defeating them and locking some of them up in this cage!"

I gave Captain Man a weird look. I know that I should probably believe him because he is Swellview's greatest superhero and has probably been in situations that were much more wackier than that, but it sounded like a bunch of rubbish to me.

"Ooh, I believe you, Captain Man!" Jasper chirped.

Captain Man and I both gave Jasper confused looks.

"You do?" We both asked in unison.

"Of course I do! I mean, if you came all of this way just to drag Piper and I and convince us to help you, then why would you be lying to us?"

I was speechless. Jasper had a good point, but how could a person like him ever think with such logic?

"Good point!" I complimented him, "I believe you too, Captain Man!"

"Good to have everyone on my side! So, are you guys ready?" Captain Man asked Jasper and I.

"I think that I'm ready, but how would you like us to help you, sir?" Jasper asked.

"All I need you two to do is to go into court with me and the rest of my friends and help us defend them so they don't have to go to prison for a crime that they did not actually commit."

"Can do, sir!" Jasper and I both agreed.

"But, what if we end up losing?" I asked, "Then what?"

Captain Man thought for a moment. "Hmmm... I haven't really discussed that with my friends yet. I'm not too worried about us losing because we have a pretty good lawyer and my friends are getting even more people to help us as we speak. But if it ever does happen, I'm sure that we'll think of a good plan. We're pretty quick on our feet."

"Oh ok," Jasper and I both replied in unison.

"So, are you guys ready?"

"Ready for what?" Jasper asked, confused.

I face palmed myself.

"To go to Louisiana!" Captain Man answered.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready!" Jasper agreed.

"Me too!" I chimed in.

"Alright, grab onto me and hold on tight!" Captain Man ordered.

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Oh, you'll see!"

Jasper and I both shrugged, then followed Captain Man's orders and grabbed onto his right arm. Captain Man then used his left hand to tap a few buttons on his really cool, black wrist watch, which was wrapped around his right wrist. Then all of the sudden, I felt a strange tingly feeling. That's when I noticed that all three of us were starting to disappear into these really tiny, light-blue molecules.

"What the heck is going on!?!?" I thought to myself, "Is this what teleportation feels and looks like!?!?"

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