Chapter 6

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

Chapter Six: Going To New Orleans
Henry Hart POV

"Hey, Henry, are you ready?" Charlotte asked me, as soon as I had wheeled my suitcases inside of Junk N' Stuff.

It was now 10:00 in the morning on Friday, February 13th and I had just walked all the way over to Junk N' Stuff, so that Ray could drive the three of us over to the airport. Since Charlotte had told her parents that she would be going to New Orleans with my family and I told my parents that I would be going with her family, Ray thought it would be best if we were to just meet him at Junk N' Stuff, so none of our families would be confused when they saw him. Both of our families know each other very well and if they were to see Ray picking us up at our houses to go to the airport, they would find out that we lied to them.

"Yeah," I finally replied.

"Alright, let's go!" Ray announced, as he and Charlotte started to head towards the door.

I then quickly turned around and held the old door open for Charlotte and Ray. As soon as they had lugged their suitcases outside, I flipped our open sign to its opposite side so that it now said, "Closed," in red letters. I then lugged my own bags out the door. Ray began to fumble around in the right pocket of his huge, tan coat. He then pulled a huge set of keys out of it. He sticked a small, silver key inside of the lock on the old, golden door knob. Ray's other keys jingled and danced, as he turned the silver one inside of the lock. Once he was sure that the store was now locked up, he pulled the key out of the lock and put his keys back inside of his jacket pocket.

Ray then lead Charlotte and I towards his white car, which was pulled up right in front of Junk N' Stuff.

"Do you guys want me to open up my trunk or do you think that you'll have enough room in the back seat?" Ray asked.

Charlotte and I both looked down at our luggage. We each had one huge suitcase and medium-sized small one.

"Umm, do you think that you have enough room in there for my one suitcase?" Charlotte asked, as she motioned towards her huge, red suitcase.

"And for this one?" I added, as I motioned towards my huge, dark-blue suitcase.

"Yeah, I should," Ray answered, as he started to walk over towards the trunk.

Ray used both of his hands to pull the hatch on his car up, opening up his trunk.

"Here, give me your suitcases," he instructed us, as he stretched his hands out.

Charlotte then pushed her huge, red suitcase over towards Ray. He immediately lifted it up and put it inside of the trunk. I pushed my huge, dark-blue suitcase over towards Ray and he did the same exact thing. As soon as he was done putting our suitcases inside of the trunk, Ray used both of his hands to push down the hatch, slamming it shut. He then walked over to the passenger's seat, pulled the car door open, and put his suitcases on top of the seat, while Charlotte and I climbed into the back of the car. I decided to put my medium-sized black suitcase right on top of the middle seat and Charlotte decided to put her medium-sized dark-purple suitcase on the floor right in front of it. As soon as everybody was inside of Ray's car, all of the car doors were shut and locked, and we were all buckled up, Ray stuck his car key inside of the start engine and turned it, which caused the car to start up. He then took it out of park, into drive, and pulled it out of the side of the street. Off we went to the Swellview Airport.

Luckily, it did not take Ray that long to drive us to the airport. It only took us about ten minutes to get there, which was really good because our plane leaves at 11:30 and we do not want to miss it. The Swellview airport looked as if it was made out of mostly glass windows and was painted with a white paint that allowed it to reflect objects. Also, it was about three stories tall. We were lucky enough to find a parking space that was about three spaces away from the huge entrance. As soon as our car was parked, Ray unlocked the doors for us and we all hopped out into the huge parking lot. Before shutting the doors, Ray grabbed his luggage off of the passenger seat, I grabbed my luggage off of the middle seat, and Charlotte grabbed her luggage off of the tan floor of the car. We then slammed all of the white car doors shut and began to wheel our luggage towards the entrance of the airport.

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team UpWhere stories live. Discover now