Chapter 5

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

Chapter Five: We've Got the Power!
The Dark Hurricane POV

"Are you guys ready?" The Evil Triumph asked my husband, The Dark Twister, and I.

The Dark Twister both looked at each other, then back at The Evil Triumph and the rest of the GSVLs. We both nodded in response. The Evil Triumph and his wife, The Evil Force then strapped the two metal helmets that were attached to our Power Sucker 2,000 to our heads of our dead bodies, which were still strapped to those two metal platforms. It was now around 8:00 in the morning on Monday, December 22nd and we had just finished fixing the Power Sucker 2,000. The only reason it took us so long to repair it was because it took awhile for The Dark Twister, The Evil Triumph, The Evil Force, The Erupting Volcano, The Erupting Waterspout, The Terrifying Demon, The Terrifying Monster, The Blazing Heat, The Blazing Fire, The Hazardous Strike, The Hazardous Weapon, and I to find the right wires. Plus, we discovered that the power source compartment and if any of the GSVLs were to use their super or ghost powers to open it, it would destroy out tube-like machine. So, instead of doing that, we used glue-remover in order to get into the power source. Also, it took us a long time to find the right kind of glue-remover.

"Alright, turn it on, fellas!" The Evil Force ordered.

Following their leader's orders, The Blazing Fire immediately walked over to the Power Sucker and pushed the huge green button on our machine. Then all of the sudden, the Power Sucker 2,000 lit up and its helmets lit up and began to make a bunch of wacky noises. We all watched in amazement as sparks of electricity popped out of the helmets, ran through the wires, and into the huge, metal tube. As soon as the Power Sucker 2,000 was done sucking the superpowers out of my and Twister's dead bodies, the lights on the tube-like machine and on the helmets began to blink. "Beep, beep, beep!" The machine went, alerting us it had sucked all of the powers up. The Blazing Fire and The Blazing Heat then opened up the two hatches that were attached to The Power Sucker 2,000. Behind the hatches were two medium-sized compartments. Inside of them were two medium-sized glass tubes. Inside of the one tube was some kind of purple liquid. Inside of the other one, there was some type of blue liquid. They then carried them over to us and placed the one filled with purple liquid in front of me and the one that was filled with blue liquid in front of Twister. The Terrifying Monster and The Terrifying Demon walked over to the Power Sucker 2,000 and detached the long sets of wires that were connected to it and our helmets. They then carried them over and attached them to a small opening on top of the glass tubes. The Evil Triumph and The Evil Force then unstrapped the helmets from the heads of my and Twister's dead bodies and strapped them onto our ghost heads. They strapped the one that was attached to the tube filled with purple liquid to my head and the one that was attached to the tube filled with blue liquid to Twister's head.

"Are you guys sure that you are ready for this?" The Blazing Fire asked us, "It looks like its going to be awfully painful!"

Twister and I looked at Fire right in the eye.

"Believe me, Fire, we want our powers," Twister stated.

"And we will do anything to get them back," I added.

"And we don't care how much pain we might have to go through."

"Or no matter how many times we have to try."

"Those idiots took away our powers when they killed us and we are getting them back!"

"Alrighty then," The Blazing Heat stated, "Whatever you guys say."

With that being said, Heat pressed the huge green button on the tube in front of me, while Fire pressed the one on the tube that was right in front of Twister. The tubes and the helmets lit up and began to make wacky noises, as I felt thousands of bolts of energy run into my ghost body. I felt as I had just drank a hundred bottles of energy drink and was chugging down more. I suddenly felt a thousands times more powerful. I felt as if I could take on the world and still have the energy to take on another planet. I felt as if I was being reconnected with something that I cannot see and is way more powerful than I am. Then all of the sudden, I felt a huge surge of energy that was so painful, it caused me to fall to the floor. Twister must have experienced the same exact feeling because he fell to the floor as well. "Beep, beep, beep!" The tubes and the helmets went. The deed was now done.

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team UpWhere stories live. Discover now