Chapter 15

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to thequizissoyzie for being the only one to enter yesterday's contest. Congratulations, thequizissoyzie ! You are an awesome reader!

Chapter Fifteen: Convincing Cat's Friends
Sam Puckett POV

I looked around at my surroundings. I was now standing on the green front lawn of a medium-sized white house with a grey roof. On the street I was on, almost every single lawn had at least one tall palm tree on it, including the one that I was currently standing on. There was a long, concrete pathway that lead up to the white front porch from all the way to the black mailbox that had the numbers "403" on it. Max's new invention had actually worked! I was now in front of Cat's classmate and best friend and my friend, Jade West's, house.

"Hmmm... I wonder if anybody's home," I thought to myself.

I turned my head to the left to see that there was a long, concrete driveway. Parked in the drive way, was a old, rusty, beat-up, red car.

"I really hope that Jade is the one who is home because I don't think that she ever gave me her number," I thought to myself as I approached the house.

I stepped up onto Jade's white porch. "Knock, knock, knock!" The sound of me rapping the knuckles on my right hand against the door. That is when I noticed that there was a little, white, round door bell right next to door. I decided to ring it just in case nobody heard me knocking. "Ding-dong!" It went.

"Alright, I heard you the first time!" I heard a female voice groan.

I suddenly heard footsteps from inside of the house approach me. The golden door knob twisted and the door flew wide open. Standing right in front of me from inside of her house was Jade, and by the look on her face, I could tell that she was not in the mood for some company.

"Sam Puckett!?!?" She asked, sounding confused, as she looked down at me, "What the heck are you doing here!?!?"

"Look, Jade, I know that we haven't really talked to each other since the tuna incident, but I have this huge problem and I need you to help me!" I explained.

"Sorry, but I don't help people with their-"

"It has something do with Cat."

"What does this have to with Cat? You said that you had a huge problem, not you and Cat."

"Jade, this is no time to correct me! Cat is in some really serious trouble?"

As if she did not believe me, Jade gave me a weird look and chuckled a bit. "What kind of trouble!?!? Cat's a total goody-two shoes! There's no way that she could've gotten herself into something that bad!"

"Jade, you're probably not going to believe me when I say this, but Cat and a couple of my friends got arrested today for something that they didn't even do."

Jade just laughed. "Sam, did someone forget to tell you that it's not April Fool's Day?"

"I'm not kidding! They really did!"

"No they didn't! You're totally lying!"

I took a deep breath, then looked Jade right in the eye. "Look, I am currently vacationing in New Orleans and came all the way here to get your help. If I was kidding, do you really think that I would be here at your doorstep right now? We hardly talk to each other."

A speechless look came across Jade's face. She finally believed me, but did not want to admit that I was right.

"Now, that's what I thought," I stated, "Now, do me a favor. Contact all of Cat's friends and tell them to get over here. Tell them that Cat might be in some serious trouble."

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team UpWhere stories live. Discover now