Chapter 3

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to thequizissoyzie for being the first one to answer all of the Book V Part I questions correctly. Congratulations, thequizissoyzie ! You are a true Nick fan!

Chapter Three: Of Course We'll Help You
The Evil Triumph POV

"Knock, knock, knock!" The nine other members of GSVL, The Evil Force, The Terrifying Demon, The Terrifying Monster, The Erupting Volcano, The Erupting Waterspout, The Blazing Heat, The Blazing Fire, The Hazardous Strike, The Hazardous Weapon, and I all turned around in our swivel chairs and looked at our black door. You see, we were in the middle of a evil meeting in our evil hideout, brainstorming up some evil ideas. My wife, The Evil Force, and I were the leaders of GSVL, since we have the most superpowers. The powers that we both share are flight, heat breath, ice breath, and super strength. I have also invisibility and she also has the ability to teleport to any world that she wants to without using a portal. Along with that, we both have all of six ghost powers, telekinesis, possession, teleportation, the ability to stretch your body in any way possible, shape-shifting, and the ability to make things appear. all ten members of GSVL, including myself, are level thirteen ghosts.

"Who dare disturbs the Ghost Super Villain League!?!?" I hissed.

"Do not be alarmed!" A male voice shouted, trying to calm us down, "For it is only us, The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane!"

"Who?" The Evil Force asked, not familiar with the names of our visitors.

"The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane!" A female voice repeated, "The son of The Howling Windstorm and The Howling Dust devil and the daughter of The Wicked Tsunami and The Wicked Cyclone!"

"Oh, you're Dust, Tsunami, Cyclone, and Windstorm's kids!" I exclaimed, "Come on in! We are very good friends with your parents!"

"Yes, we have heard about your friendship," The Dark Twister stated, as he and The Dark Hurricane pushed the black door open and walked into our evil meeting room.

"Wait a minute, Dust, Tsunami, Cyclone, and Windstorm's kids died?" The Hazardous Strike asked, sounding confused.

"They've have to be dead, Strike!" The Hazardous Weapon, The Hazardous Strike's wife, exclaimed, "I mean, how else would they have gotten into Ghost World."

"They could have poured ectoplasm over themselves," The Erupting Volcano stated, as he shrugged.

"Yes, we did die," The Dark Hurricane sighed as we lowered her head.

"When!?!?" The Blazing Heat asked.

The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane thought for a moment.

"About four months ago," The Dark Hurricane finally answered.

"So, you don't have any powers right now, huh?" The Terrifying Demon asked.

The Dark Hurricane and The Dark Twister both shook their heads. "Nope."

"Aww, that sucks," The Terrifying Monster, The Terrifying Demon's husband, stated.

"I know," The Dark Twister agreed, "It's the worst feeling in the world."

"I know, but you'll eventually gain them back," The Blazing Fire, The Blazing Heat's wife, assured them.

"So, how did you guys die?" The Erupting Waterspout, The Erupting Volcano's wife, asked.

"It's a long story, which we don't have any time to tell," The Dark Twister stated.

"What's the rush?" I asked, "We're all dead here! There's plenty of time to do everything here in the afterlife!"

"Look, you guys have to help us! Our parents are trapped in an electrical cage that ghost can't unlock and we need you guys to use your powers to make us go through the portal in Ghost World Central and teleport us to our deserted island, so we can fix this machine that we have that can possibly help us gain our super powers back and look for a bunch of humans who will be willing to go into Ghost World and free them!"

"We also need you to possess the people who trapped them in the cage and do a bunch of illegal stuff, while you are in their bodies, so they will get arrested and get sent to prison!" The Dark Hurricane added.

"So, will you be willing enough to help us?"

The Evil Force, The Terrifying Demon, The Terrifying Monster, The Erupting Volcano, The Erupting Waterspout, The Blazing Heat, The Blazing Fire, The Hazardous Strike, The Hazardous Weapon, and I all looked at each other, then back at The Dark Hurricane and The Dark Twister. We all nodded in agreement.

"Of course we'll help you free your parents!" The Evil Force agreed, "We would do anything for us! Did you guys know that they stopped a bunch of ghost superheroes from tearing this place down once?"

"No, but you help is very much appreciated!"

"Alright, now lets get you guys to Ghost World Central!" The Hazardous Weapon announced.

With that being said, The Evil Force, The Hazardous Strike, The Hazardous Weapon, The Erupting Waterspout, The Erupting Volcano, The Terrifying Monster, The Terrifying Demon, The Blazing Fire, The Blazing Heat, and I all stood up out of our black, leather swivel chairs and snapped our fingers, teleporting The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane to Ghost World Central. We snapped them again, teleporting ourselves to Ghost World Central as well. As soon as we had arrived in Ghost World Central, The Hazardous Strike, The Hazardous Weapon, The Terrifying Monster, The Terrifying Demon, The Erupting Volcano, The Erupting Waterspout, The Blazing Heat, The Blazing Fire, The Evil Force, and I snapped our fingers again, which caused The Dark Hurricane and The Dark Twister to get sucked through the portal that was hidden in the huge, beautiful, white water fountain that was in the center of Ghost World Central. We then snapped our fingers, causing ourselves to get sucked through it.

It took us about ten minutes to finally to come through the portal that The Evil Force and I keep in the living room of our abandoned house in Human World. The Evil Force, The Erupting Waterspout, The Erupting Volcano, The Terrifying Demon, The Terrifying Monster, The Hazardous Strike, The Hazardous Weapon, The Blazing Fire, The Blazing Heat, and I then snapped our fingers, which teleported The Dark Hurricane and The Dark Twister to their deserted island. We then snapped our fingers once more, teleporting ourselves to the deserted island. When we finally arrived at The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane's deserted island, we were in this huge room filled with gadgets; their evil lair. Right in front of us were two people who looked like The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane strapped to two metal platforms. We could tell that they were their dead bodies. Right in front of the platforms, was a huge machine with a bunch of wires and two metal helmets attached to it.

"What's that?" The Blazing Fire, The Blazing Heat's husband, asked, as he pointed towards the machine.

"It's our Power Sucker 2,000," The Dark Hurricane replied, "If we could only fix it, we might be able to suck our superpowers out of our dead bodies and into our ghost bodies!"

"So, what do you need in order to fix it?" I asked.

"Well, we're going to need new wires to replace the ones that were cut, but we don't have any here," The Dark Twister explained.

"We'll go get them for you," The Terrifying Monster told The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane.

"Thanks!" The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane thanked us.

With that being said, The Hazardous Weapon, The Hazardous Strike, The Evil Force, The Terrifying Demon, The Terrifying Monster, The Blazing Fire, The Blazing Heat, The Erupting Waterspout, The Erupting Volcano, and I all snapped our fingers once more. Off we went to go and find some new wires for The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane's Power Sucker 2,000.

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team UpWhere stories live. Discover now