Chapter 7

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Ultimate Team Up

Chapter Seven: Being Freed From Maximum Security
Nora Dershlit POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open, as small rays of sunshine danced into my cell through my tiny, barred window.

"Ughh, go away sunshine!" I groaned, "Can't you see that I'm going to be in a bad mood for as long as I have to stay here and you can't cheer me up?"

I then slowly rolled off of my small, uncomfortable, ripped-up, stained bed and onto the cold, hard, concrete floor. I then walked over to the window, grabbed onto the black, metal bars with my hands and stared out it. Since my window was so small, the view that I could get out of it was small as well. Sometimes I wish that The Los Angeles Maximum Security was placed in the urban parts of Los Angeles, so I could entertain myself by watching the people and animals going by. But instead, it is located in an area where it is hidden from the rest of Los Angeles. In my cell, I had nothing better to do than to look out of my tiny window and stare into a field filled with nothing but dead grass. Not many animals would come past The Lost Angeles Maximum Security because they would be often be scared away from prisoners who were on their one-hour labor shift. You see, here in maximum security, we are only allowed out of our cells for one hour each day, but we do not have the freedom to do whatever we would like. The guards would make us do some sort of labor.

On my first day of being in maximum security, they gave me a schedule. Everybody in the prison has a totally different schedule. On Mondays, I have to wash police cars outside at 10:00 in the night until 11:00. On Tuesdays, I have to sweep the prison floors at 5:00 in the evening until 6:00 at night. On Wednesdays, I have to lift heavy weights outside at 3:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the morning. On Thursdays, I have to work in this factory room and build all sorts of random things at 11:00 at night until 12:00 in the morning. On Fridays, I have to clean the prison walls at 2:00 in the afternoon until 3:00. On Saturdays, I have to run laps around the building at 4:00 in the evening until 5:00. Also, on Sundays, I have to cook meals in the cafeteria at 4:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the morning. However, the police, guards, and cooks get to eat in the cafeteria. Since we are only allowed out of our cells for an hour per day, the guards will slip food trays through this rectangular-shaped hole in the doors that only they and the police can open and close. Also, if the conditions are way too harsh to do any outdoor activities, the police and the guards will make the prisoners who were supposed to do outdoor activities help out those who were supposed to do indoor activities. But that is very rare because the harshest weather conditions are never that harsh here in Los Angeles. However, if it is raining they will still make prisoners do outdoor activities, as long as it is not a thunderstorm.

Sometimes I wish that Sam would of never asked the cops to check my, Linda, Mack, Paul, and Steve's pockets so we would of been able to break out of the police cars and escape, and so I would of never ended up in this lonely stink hole. I was never a sociable person, but I hate the feeling of loneliness. Now that I am maximum security, I only get to see human faces for a hour a day. I also sometimes wish that I would of never decided to kidnap Cat, Frankie, and Taylor because that is the main reason why I'm even in this horrible place. Why didn't I just stay hidden? What went into me? Oh yeah, I wanted to get revenge on Sam. How the heck did she in her lame friends even find my abandoned house anyway? Sometimes I also wish that Sam and her friends would of never found Linda, Mack, Steve, Paul, and I and would of never freed their friends because we still could have been getting away with kidnapping them if it wasn't for them. But, as soon as I get out of here, I am going to track down all of them and get my revenge for what they did to Linda, Mack, Paul, Steve, and I!

Then all of the sudden, I saw a California Quail, California's sate bird, fly by my window. Like I said, animals rarely come by The Los Angeles Maximum Security, so this was a rare sight. The bird then perched itself on the brown-brick ledge of my tiny, barred window and began to ruffle its grayish-brown feathers. It then began to chirp at me.

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