Chapter 7: Someone's Missing

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(A/n: Just to clear things up, I am aware that in the Dream SMP, Sam and the Warden are separate people, but in this book, I'll make them the same person)

Ranboo makes his way back to the Arctic North.

Ranboo had put some thought to it, and he has one suspect in mind, but he could be totally wrong.

Ranboo arrives at Technoblade's cabin, where Techno and Philza are currently breeding some more dogs for their hound army.

"Guys." Ranboo calls them out, catching their attention.

"Hey, Ranboo, what's up?" Phil asks with a smile.

"I need to tell you something, and it concerns Dream." Ranboo answered immediately, which left Phil curious.

However, Techno didn't seem to care too much but said anyways, "Go ahead."

"Remember how Dream was in prison, right?" Ranboo asks to make sure Phil and Techno remembers.

"Yeah, we remember that. What about it?" Phil tilts his head to the side.

"The thing is... someone... broke him out." Ranboo announced to them nervously.

"Wait, seriously? Prison break? That sounds pog." Techno smirks a little out of admiration to such a crime.

"What? No, it's not pog! He's gonna gain power over the entire server again if we don't find him soon, or whoever broke him out!" Ranboo almost lost his cool when Techno admired the crime.

"Who broke him out, though?" Phil asks, seeming surprised.

"We don't know." Ranboo admits, then faces Techno, "It's not you, right?"

"Nah, I love anarchy but I probably won't go too far and risk myself breaking Dream out." Techno pouts at such an assumption.

"But didn't you guys mention something about... a favor during the festival right before the last war when you guys blew up L'Manberg?" Ranboo counters, remembering that Techno and Dream mentioned something about "calling out the favor."

"Well, he never really called me. He actually hasn't contacted me at all ever since the war. Well, I mean he contacted me once, but I was busy." Techno shrugs, feeding his dogs some more rotten flesh.

"Oh... okay..." Ranboo accepts Techno's answer.


"Why do we need to see the egg?" Sapnap asks, puzzled.

"Because that stupid red vine was in Dream's cell, remember?" Tommy answered, shedding light on Tommy's idea.

"That's true. But, I mean, we don't really know if it has anything to do with Dream's escape, just because I saw those red vines there even before the roof of the prison blew up." Sapnap shrugs, unsure of this idea. "And also, you might be influenced by the egg when we go down there to see it..."

"I'm immune." Tommy recalls the time when he went down to see the egg, fully touching it and yet he remained unaffected.

"Really?" Sapnap asks, astonished.

"Yeah. You probably need protection though or something. Puffy said that you need Prime Hazmat Suits, so we're going to have a pit stop at Church Prime first." Tommy suggests just in case.

"Yeah, we probably should in case things go wrong." Sapnap agrees, heading towards the Holy Land with Tommy.

Both Sapnap and Tommy washed themselves in Holy Water, and Sapnap puts on one of the Prime Hazmat Suits.

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