Inroducing characters

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Main Character :  Hazel Rogers
Parents: Captain America and Black widow
Childhood : raised by both parents in the avengers compound, good relationship with both parents ,has few friends and is not very close to either , described as very mature for her age due to being a part of the avengers.
Powers/ Abilities : Very well trained assassin but no powers (just yet)
Looks like:

 Powers/ Abilities : Very well trained assassin but no powers (just yet)Looks like:

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( side note: has her dads green eyes but dyed her hair blonde , she was a redhead)

Other Characters:

Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Sharon Carter
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Secretary Ross
Wanda Maxmoff
Petrio maximoff
Bucky Barnes

Book Description
Hazel Rogers is the daughter of Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff . Due to being raised by the avengers , everyone seems to think that she has some magical powers or superhuman ability . But she doesn't. But she is on her way to become one of SHEILD's best assassins because of her training from her mother. What will happen when someone from her age joins the avengers and another who was presumed dead for nearly a year. Keep reading to find out.

Authors note:
Please let me know if you like this , It's my first time so comment if you want to continue the story please .

Hope you have a good day or had one depending when you read this . Don't forget to eat and just know you are loved

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