Chapter 4

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Hazel's POV:
I wake up on a cold concreate floor. My head is pounding. My vison is blurry , i can't see anything clear. I try to remember what my mom taught me. I am supposed to look around to take in my surroundings , but i don't . See, in the moment, you forget all of this stuff. Panic begins to fill me . I want my dad to come bursting through the door and get me out of here. "  Hello, Are you okay?" a voice asks me . I jump back as they try to help . He shoots his hands up in the air" sorry , i didn't mean to frighten you , I am not going to hurt you i promise , okay". He said with an accent . I didn't know where it was from but i feel like i have heard it before . " What's you name ?" Oh thor, what do i say , i know i shouldn't tell him my name , but for some reason i trust him/. " Hazel , Hazel roger." I hear a small chuckle." Nice to meet you Hazel , my name is-"he was cut off by the sound of the door opening . A hand roughly grabs my hair and drags me out of the room . I scream for the person i just met in the cell, they yell back at me saying to relax and he will try to get you out of this. I get pushed into a chair and then get injected with something , i yelp out in pain until everything goes black
Nat's Pov
I sit there in shock, my daughter has not come home in 2 days . She has never done this before . I was getting worried . I was working around the clock trying to find her , only to stop when Steve brought me food or layed down and held me until i cried myself to sleep. I wasn't just crying because Hazel is gone, even though that is the main reason. It was because Steve was sleeping with another woman . It felt like my world was falling apart . I wanted my life back to normal . Steve noticed this . " Look, i know what i did was wrong and there is no excuse , i am sorry , i have been a bad husband and father , i never wanted to hurt you and i am sorry." i look at him in shock."You never wanted to hurt me , if you didn't want to hurt me you would not have done it in the first place . I know i will never be peggy carter , she was an amazing woman , i met her a few times when i first joined sheild and she was a beautiful intelligent woman.So if you don't want to be with me that is fine. Just tell me because i need to know ." i shout back . I usually don't shout at him but this kind of calls for it .He sits there in silence. I storm out , my daughter is missing and i don't know if the love of my life even truly loves me.

Author's note
Hello, i never thought i would get to this chapter so thank you . I might write a sequel for infinity war and Endgame . Yes i know its only chapter 4 but i think it might be fun to plan ahead . Thank you for reading. Don't forget to eat and know you are loved!!!!

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