Chapter 8

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Hazel's POV:
It feels like we have been in here for months on end. I just want to see my family again . I want to hug my mom and dad( no matter how much i dislike him right now ). Techinally we have only been in here a few days but it feels like forever . I heard something on the news about a bomb going off in the united nations building where the accords were to be discussed , I hope the avengers are okay. The winter soilder escaped from hydra somehow . I want to find out how he did it so i can escape to , Pietro says it is too dangrous but i don't care . I miss the strong hugs my dad would give if i was feeling down , balanced by the gentle hug my mother gave me , she always had the perfect balance of gentlness and strength . I miss Tony's witty comments and Pepper scolding him for it while secretly giggling , Bruce always knowing what to say when i'm sad and giving great advice , clint arriving at the compound and helping me practise my archery skills and Thor coming in at random times unnanounced but no one would be mad at him. I haven't seen Bruce and Thor for ages actually . I miss them both so much .

Days turned into weeks , weeks turned into months. Every day the hope that was inside me that told me we would get out of here faded away . They brought me the news , " Avengers : War Crimnals" it read . I grabbed it  from their hands , the article said:

" Avengers , the heros we onced loved , are now crimnals . They battled it out in an airport in Germany . Some are safe and our heros , like tony stark for example . But others are not . Those on the run include :Black Widow , Captain America , Sam wilson and Wanda Maximoff . If you have any information on these individuals please contact the fbi .
Stay safe "

I stood there in shock , my own parents are war crimnals . Tears started to flood my eyes as i knew the chances of me coming home to my parents are too low for anyones comfort . Then i heard sirens go off . The Avengers were here . I jumped with joy until a hydra officer grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and locked me in a closet . He forced a mask on me that was soundproof , so no one could hear my cries .My dad , my mam and wanda burst into the room calling my name . I tried to escape and yell but i could not , They couldnt hear me . Then ended up just leaving the room . That was it , there was no hope anymore .

I was chucked out onto the floor and was given the run down of what just happened .The avengers had come and gone but they got one hostage .

That hostage was Pietro .

Hey.... Sorry for not uploading in forever , I had exams this last month and this month so it is very hard to find the time. I promise i'll update more i swear . Anyway , have a good day and may the fourth be with you :)

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