Chapter 6

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Tony's POV

“ So , what is the plan of action for finding Hazel?”  I ask the room but no answers. Usually Cap has some sort of plan and then we perfect it .No one has any idea on what to do. This has never happened before .To top it all off we have the accords to deal with . I think I am just going to sign them on behalf of the Avengers . It will get that out of the way . I have a meeting with secretary Ross tomorrow so i will see if i can do it then.

“ I am going to sign the accords on behalf of the Avengers so we don’t have that to worry about that . It will be easier , we can put all of our attention onto finding Hazel.”A few mumbles in agreement , not all though. “ I don’t think we should sign them , they will use it against us, what if we need to go somewhere and they won’t let us or vice versa.” I look around to see who said that . It was Cap.

 I was shocked . We could focus our attention on finding his daughter instead of dealing with this as well. “ Tony is right, if we sign this we can focus our attention on our daughter and get her home, if we have one hand on the steering wheel we can still drive.” Nat shot back at him. I’ve won then . If nat agrees then I have won . Cap would side with her as she is nearly always right. A bit scary as well but it’s mostly due to the fact that she is right. 

Cap ended up taking Nat into the other room to talk , I gave Vision a look. Only me , him and Wanda know what is going on . Sam picked up on this look. “ Wait, you’re not telling us something and it has something to do with Nat and Steve.” I just freeze . Dammit , what do i say . I could out them out now but that would be wrong. “ They are very stressed and worried about Hazel, that's all'' Wanda replies casually . She comes over to get some coffee. “ Thank you for that.” She looks at me coldly .” I didn’t do that for you , I did that for Nat and Steve. If they don’t want the team knowing what happened then i will do everything i can to help them . They took me in when Pietro died . I am not going to betray their trust. “ She walks off calmly so she doesn’t raise suspicion . She still hasn’t forgiven me for the death of her parents . I do feel very sorry but i didn’t purposely mean to kill them . It was just my bombs that did.


I promised 3 chapters in 2 days .. I might come up with an uploading schedule so it is more organised . i will let you know what days and roughly the times .I hope you like the book so far!!

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