Chapter 1

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I came home one day to find all the Avengers coming home from a mission distraught . " what happned" i asked my dad , idiotic of me to ask as he never talks to me after a mission .He pushed past me into the kitchen to calm down. I went to find my mam.*"что случилось мам" (what happened mam) i asked my mam, " not now Hazel". So i went off to check the news and saw the headline " 100s killed and more injured in an accident caused by Wanda Maxmoff". I sit there stunned at what i just saw , i ran out to find Wanda . I bump into my dad . " where are you going Dove " he said with a stern look. "To see wanda , why."  He sighed at me and gave me a look. " No, you're not , im not letting you, she needs to be by herself to clam down " . I walk away annoyed at him , but if i knew if i protested i would get into a lot of trouble so i went back to my room to watch more of the news .

The Avengers were all called to a meeting downstairs with secretary Ross, i really disliked him . He never wanted the Avengers and set out from day one to disassemble them . I couldn't go down for a while as my parents don't like me in meetings so i wandered around the compound for a while , i found a nice place to sit and look at the lake . "Penny for your thoughts" . I jumped , It was visons , " vison , you scared me ." He looked concerned . "what's wrong , is it my parents , did something happen to wanda.". "no, no , everyones okay" he replied. " I thought i would fill you in , Ross wants us to sign a contract called the Slovakian Accords , i think it may divide us , half want to sign it others want to leave it , i feel like something is gonna happen, but not in a good way ." I was shocked , Ross never said anything about it before , or anyone  and usually vison is right , he is a robot after all . "what do my parents think". He seemed uncertain , like he didn't want to answer the question . "Vison, what do my parents think" I repeated again ." Your mother , like me , is all for the accords , but your father seems to be against it , like wanda ."

My mother called me to come as we were going back to our rooms . We have a door that connects our rooms but separate bathrooms for privacy . My mom braids my hair before i go to bed so i can keep my " lovely curls ". My dad wasnt home yet so i asked where he was , she said he was staying at our old house for a while. I was quite shocked when she said that , Dad never lets mam sleep on her own , no matter how pissed he was at her or argument . This was weird and out of character for him.  I left my room to go back to my room , "спокойной ночи мама"( goodnight mom). "спокойной ночи, мой ангел" (goodnight my angel ). As i was about to fall asleep i heard my doorway open .I jumped up and grabbed my phone . " That won't protect you against an intruder Sweetie." It was my dad " What do you want , father " I answered coldy . " To say goodnight to my daughter , is that too much to ask ." I looked at him , something seemed off . I don't know what . "спокойной ночи отец"(goodnight father). " I don't understand russian, i don't want to and will never learn it ." he snapped , i looked shocked . This was so off character , what was going on with him. He always said how he wanted to learn Russian so he can talk to me and mam with it , mam has been teaching him simple Russian . " goodnight and don't wake me up in the moring , i want  to train with mam tomorrow , close the door on your way out." I said angrily and i rolled over on my side so i didn't have to look at him. I could feel his eyes on me , i knew he was hurt because i never spoke to him like that , we are really close . He closed the door quietly , then i heard mam's door open and some very angry whispers , i couldn't make out what they were though. The i heard mams door close again and sobs from her room . I got out of bed and went into her room , i saw her on the bed crying.  Seeing her like this broke my heart. I went over and gave her a hug until she stopped crying . "what did dad say" i said carefully not wanting to set her off crying again . She took a deep breath .

"He has been cheating  on me with a girl named sharon for the past two months"

Authors note:
Hey, me again , sorry i know i dislike authors notes , but what do you think so far, please let me know if there are any spelling mistakes please but don't be mean , also let me know should i continue this , i will even if one person wants

Thank you for reading and have a good day or hope you had a great day , remember to eat and that you are loved

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