Chapter 1 "Getting The Job"

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"USA Hockey. Please hold. He's just stepping into a meeting.......When's the best time to reach you? He's got your number? Okay." the lady at the reception spoke loudly.

Herb Brooks was sitting in the waiting room of the USA Hockey association, waiting for his meeting to start. To pass his time and get in the right mindset, he doodled ideas for new plays on his notebook, something he had taken on as a habit.

"Herb." he was interrupted.

Herb looked up to find Walter Bush, the USA Hockey president, in the room, "Hey, Walter. How we doing?"

Walter walked up to him and started holding small talk while they were walking towards the meeting room, "Good to see you. How was the flight?"

"Not bad." Herb shrugged.

"That's great. Everybody's waiting to see us." Walter rushed him through the hallway.

Herb got curious at that, "Who all's here?"

"Anybody who's got a say in this thing. Bob Fleming, the International Council, USA Hockey, Lou Nanne from the NHL." Walter explained.

But it didn't make a difference who was there to Herb. He had prepared very carefully for this, "The only way we can compete with Eastern Bloc teams is if we're willing to change." 

"Change what?" someone asked sceptically.

"The way we train, the way we prepare. Even change our schedule." Herb stated matter-of-factly.

Another man asked a question, "What kind of schedule changes?"

"I think we need to make it longer, tougher, much more competitive." Herb explained.

"Longer?" another one of the men laughed, "You gonna pay for that?"

Herb ignored his mocking and continued, "We also need to change the way we play the game."

"What exactly does that mean?" Lou Nanne asked.

"My plan is to adopt a new style." Herb started, "A hybrid of the Soviet school and the Canadian school. A combination that requires the highest level of conditioning, speed, creativity and, most of all, team chemistry."

"Is this what you use at the University of Minnesota?" somebody asked.

"We've been phasing it in, yeah, but..." Herb started.

Walter interrupted him, "He has won three NCAA titles."

"Walter, we don't have years, we have months." a member of USA Hockey stated.

Another man added on to that, "Can you teach a bunch of kids that have never played together a whole new style?"

"Okay, look..." Herb started, but was yet again interrupted.

"What if these kids can't pick it up fast enough?" Bob Fleming wondered, "We all know we're a long shot from winning a medal, but we don't want to get embarrassed."

The other men agreed, "That's right."

"Bob, four years ago, our Olympic team lost to the Czech B-team 15 to one. I don't think we can embarrass ourselves any more than that." Herb stated dead serious.

A wave of silence flooded the room, before one of the men interrupted it.

"That's assuming they don't go pro. I'd have a hard time giving up good money to finish sixth at Lake Placid." they continued, ignoring Herb's harsh comment.

"It's a tough draw, Herb. Tough draw." another man added.

Fleming spoke up again, "It's tough even if we don't play the Soviets. What happens if we do?"

"We put our best on the ice with them last year. Professional all-stars. They still beat us." they explained.

"Not because you weren't good enough." Herb said, taking a sip of his drink.

As he noticed everyone staring at him, he continued, "All-star teams fail because they rely solely on the individuals' talent. The Soviets win because they take that talent and use it in a system designed for the betterment of the team. My goal is to beat them at their own game."

"Beat the best team in the world. Gold medalists in '64, '68, '72 and '76. It's a pretty lofty goal, Herb." Lou said.

Herb picked his glass of water up again and looked at Lou with his stone cold expression, "Lou, that's why I wanna pursue it."

It was quiet, before Walter ended the session, "Well, fellas, any more questions?"

The group replied with, "I'm good.", "No." and, "That's it for me. Thanks very much."

"Herb, thanks." Bob Fleming extended his hand.

Herb gratefully accepted, "Thank you, Bob. I appreciate it."

Around 6 pm, Herb Brooks' car rolled up to his driveway and came to a halt.

By now it was pouring outside, but Herb used his briefcase as an umbrella for the short way to his front door.

It was unusually quiet in the Brooks house as Herb entered.

"Hey." his wife Petti greeted him from the dining room.

Herb closed the door behind him, set his stuff down and went into the kitchen, "It's coming down out there."

"Where are the kids?" he wondered.

Petti made her way towards the kitchen, saying, "I gave them away. How did it go?"

"I'm not their guy. They only had me come out there because two other coaches said no. I think they're still looking East Coast." he explained stopping after seeing the costumes his wife had picked out for them, "What's that?"

Petti gave him a grin, "It's a costume party, Herb. Come on. Nick and Nora Charles. The Thin Man." she clung onto him, clearly enjoying the discomfort her husband was showing.

"You're gonna make me wear this?" he exhaled dramatically.

"Yes. They're sophisticated and dashing. I've got a mustache for you and a little dog for me." she chuckled at the end of her sentence and went back to preparing the house for the party.

Herb gave her one last look, seeing that there was no way of getting out of this, "Oh no, Petti, come on."

"Woof!" she barked in response.

On his way up the stairs, Herb passed his second oldest daughter Carly.

"Hey, dad." Carly greeted.

"Hey, Carls." he said, trying to get past her without having to have a conversation.

His daughter, however, had different plans, "How was it?"

Knowing how much she was hoping for him to get the job - figuring that she might actually have a shot at making the olympic team if he did -  he kept her on the ground, "Well, I wouldn't get my hopes up."

"Hmm, that sucks." Carly tried to hide her disappointment.

Herb, however, didn't buy it, "There's worse." he tried to soothe her.

"I guess." she shrugged and continued her way down the stairs.

Before continuing his own way, he stopped her once more, "Hey, mom pick out a costume for you as well?"

"Yeah, the girl from the nutcracker. Kelly's Alice in Wonderland." she explained, wearing the exact same pained expression her father had worn just a minute ago.

Herb laughed to himself, finally making it to his office.

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