The Olympic Village

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Just three days later the team bus rolled into the Olympic Village. It came to a stop in front of the check-in point.

"I'll check on OC.", Herb told Craig once they had gotten off the bus: "Take care of these guys here."

Craig nodded, collecting the guys: "Come on, guys. Stick with me."

They entered the lobby, where they had to sign themselves in.

Carly stepped up to one of the tables: "Carly Brooks. USA Hockey.", she stated.

The man needed a second to find her name on his list before he turned to her: "This is your room keys. Since you're on your own you'll get an extra. And this is your ID badge that you'll need for just about everything. Don't lose it."

Carly shot him a grin: "Got it. Thanks."

She quickly found Mac and Mark who shared a room and had checked in together.

"What room're you in?", Mark asked the girl, trying to get a glance at her keys.

"201.", she replied.

Mac jumped into their conversation: "We're in 213. The door's always open for you, Charlotte.", he smirked.

"Charming, Robert.", she retorted.

Mac stiffled a laugh before he left to talk to the rest of the guys.

Mark grabbed her hand, holding it tightly in his and was about to lead her to the rest of the guys when Carly stopped him: "Hold on."

"What's up?", the Johnson boy turned towards her with a bit of worry in his eyes.

Carly smiled at his sweetness and slipped her spare key into his other hand: "My door's always open for hockey players that wear the number 10 on their jerseys."

Kissing his cheek swiftly, she let go of his hand and joined the team a few feet away. Mark stood there shocked at her boldness for a second. Then he quickly snapped out of it to follow her.

"You guys seen OC anywhere?", Bakes asked them.

Rizzo shurgged: "Nah, haven't."

"He's gotta be here, right?", Broten asked.

Carly gave him a nudge: "Of course, he's here. And he's gonna play."

"How do ya know?", Silky asked.

"I just do.", she said.

Their conversation got cut short by two familiar voices.

"Herb, Herb.", Doc called out.

Simultaneously, the team turned towards the noise seeing OC on crutches: "Herb, it'll be fine."

"I can fight through it.", OC explained.

They watched anxiously as Herb patted him on the back: "Why don't you join the boys over there, OC?"

OC nodded and Walter patted him on the back reassuringly: "It's good to see you, kid."

"Attaboy.", Craig smiled.

Once OC was out of earshot, Herb asked: "Well?"

"The good news is it's not a tear. It's a stretched ligament. No surgery. But there is no way he can play before the medal round.", Doc filled them in.

Walter jumped in: "Forget the medal round. You keep O'Callahan and you lose one more skater, you're gonna have a tough time putting a decent team on the ice. It's that simple."

"So, what's the news?", Carly blabbered out when OC was close enough.

He shrugged: "I asked Herb. He's keeping me in the dark."

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