Chapter 5 "Off to a Rocky Start"

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The next day started with an early morning practise. Herb was skating with them, analysing every move and yelling instructions, "That's it. Pick it up! Look for the pass."

Mark Johnson was currently in puck possession and wouldn't let anyone get in his way.

But Herb was getting frustrated at Johnson not passing, "Hit him with a pass. Go, Johnson. Outside! Johnson, hit him on the other side. Silk, keep it up. Hit him, Johnson. He's open. Come on, Johnson."

Mark Johnson continued his way towards the goal, ignoring Herb's orders and still managing to get past everyone and scoring.

"Johnson!" Herb called after him, finally gaining his attention, "That coast-to-coast stuff won't work against the teams we'll be playing." 

"Okay." Mark said, skating towards his bench.

Carly followed his every move while he did so, impressed by his skill level.

"Next lineup. Let's go. Let's run it again." Herb called out.

When OC saw Mac getting on the ice, he shot up, "Morrow. Let me take this one."

Morrow just shrugged confused, getting back on the bench.

"Don't worry. Keep your head up." Coach Patrick said to Mark, when he entered the other bench, Carly was sitting in.

Meanwhile, Herb was already back to yelling instructions at the new lineup, "This is a breakout play, gentlemen. So please let's get rid of the puck early. All right, let's go."

The play started and before anything could happen, OC skated towards Mac full speed, checking him hard. 

Mac fell to the ice, while a few Minnesota guys jumped up, "What are you hitting like that for?", Baker asked.

"That's bush league, OC." Harrington explained, clearly annoyed at him.

"Nice hit, OC." Silky backed his buddy up.

"Tell your boy here to keep his head up and he won't have to worry about it." OC pointed towards Mac while looking at the Minnesota guys.

"You all right?" Rammy asked, leaning down to Mac.

But Robbie McClanahan was pissed and pushed himself up, charging towards OC, "Let's go."

Herb held Craig back, who wanted to seperate them, "Craig. Let them go."

The Minnesota guys tried to jump in again, but were stopped by a few other guys, "Stay out of it."

"Stay out of it, Buzzy." one of them said.

"What are you doing?" Baker jumped in.

"Stay out of it, Baker." he earned the same reaction.

"Let's go, Mac." Verchota said.

"Come on, OC, let him have it." Silky cheered his old teammate on, "Come on, OC."

"There you go, beat him." he called.

Oc got a good punch in, causing Mac to fall to the ice. He fell on top of him and offered an opportunity to break them up.

"That's it." Baker and Buzzy separated them.

"You okay, Mac?" Carly checked on her best friend.

"How about it, boys? Look like hockey to you?" Herb asked loudly, "Looks more like a couple of monkeys trying to hump a football to me. What do you think, Craig?"

"Yeah." he agreed, looking slightly confused.

Then Herb looked around at each of them, "You wanna settle old scores, you're on the wrong team. We move forward, starting right now."

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