Chapter 3 "Tryouts"

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On the first day of tryouts, the best college amateur players from all over America met at the rink in Atlanta in hopes of making this years olympic team.

Carly had already been there for a while, as the halls started flooding with boys from all over America. Spotting some of her teammates, Carly waited for them to check in and get their pictures taken, before she would greet them.

"How you doing? Phil Verchota." one of her teammates went up to the signing desk.

At the desk next to him another guy was signing in, "Name?"

"Ralph Cox, UNH." he replied.

Meanwhile the photographer was taking the picture of one of Caryls friends, "Name, please?"

"Mike Ramsey." he answered, before going over to Carly, engaging her in a big hug.

"Mikey. How you doing?" she smiled.

Rammer returned the gesture, as they went into the Minnesota locker room, "Pretty good. Ready for tryouts?"

"I'm always ready." she put her dad impression on.

Rammer playfully shoved her into the door frame, "Stop that."

While the Minnesota players were catching up and getting ready, the Boston guys were settling in as well.

"Number, towel." one of the staff handed a Boston defensemen his stuff, "Jack O'Callahan, right?" he asked.

"Last time I checked." OC replied smirking.

The guy behind the counter smiled and nodded, "Good luck, Jack. Who's next?"

"Thanks, buddy." Jack said before leaving for the locker rooms.

On his way there he spotted one of his old teammates, "Jimmy Craig." he called out.

"Hey, Jack." the Boston goaltender turned, giving him a smirk and a handshake.

"What's up, you sieve?" Jack kept the conversation running.

Jimmy returned the favor, while focussing his glance back on the tryout list, "How's it going?"

"Good." Jack replied, following Jimmy's glance.

"Any reason why Joey Mullen's not here?" Jim asked after a while.

Jack huffed and crossed his arms, "About 30,000 of them, all sitting in his New York bank account."

"He got a $30,000 signing bonus?" the goalie looked at him, not believing a word he was hearing.

"Crazy, isn't it?" Jack laughed, "How's it looking?" he asked pointing towards the list.

"A lot of guys from Minnesota and Boston." he gave him a knowing look, before entering the locker room.

Jack looked the list over once more, before following Jimmy, "Yeah, that's gonna work."

In yet another locker room, Mike Eruzione sat down on the bench, wearing his mickey mouse shirt under his hockey pants.

He turned towards the guy sitting next to him, franatically taping his stick, "You're Robbie McClanahan, right?" he asked.

The guy looked up for a second, before turning back to his stick, "Yeah."

"Mike Eruzione. Boston University." Rizzo smiled at him.

Mac nodded his head slowly, saying, "'76."

"'76." Rizzo confirmed, "Trying to play for Brooks a little more?" he tried making conversation.

"I played for him for four years. A few more months wouldn't hurt." Mac explained, "What about you?" 

Rizzo shrugged, saying, "Trying to play a little more hockey, that's all."

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