Chapter 15 "Tim Harrer"

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The guys heard a lot of noise and yelling from Carlys room, after Ally had angrily stormed past them, asking, "Where is she?"

They knew not to fuck with a girl, when she was this pissed, so they just pointed into the right direction, since Ally knew where her sister's room was.

After a while, Carly's door opened again and Ally stormed back out, towards the door to the staircase.

"Hold on!" Carly yelled after her, following her sister, "Why are you mad at me? I didn't break up with you!"

"Because I needed you, Carly!" she snapped, turning around to face her sister, "I needed you and you weren't there. But hey, anything for hockey, right? You're just like dad." 

Carly took a step towards her, trying to put a calming hand on her arm, "Al, I'm-"

Ally then shut the door in her face, running off.

"...sorry." Carly quietly said.

For a second the living room and kitchen were quiet, as Carly stood there taking a deep breath.

Then the girl turned around and let out an angry scream while kicking a chair at their dining table.

She angrily grabbed the phone, dailing a number and starting to yell, "I'm gonna find you, Jacob. And first I'm gonna kick your car, then I'm gonna steal your hair gel and then I'm gonna shove my foot so far up you ass you're gonna taste your own-"

While the rest of the guys quietly chuckled, Mac hung up the phone.

"Okay. Maybe we should all take a breather, huh?" he asked his best friend, opening his arms for a hug.

Carly hugged him, speaking into his chest, "Fucking Jacob."

"Switch." Rizzo called out, during stretching.

At center ice, the team was forming a circle, doing their stretches.

"Rizzo's making dinner. You know what that means." Carly joked.

"Meatballs." everyone called out.

But Rizzo just shrugged, grinning, "You boys keep eating them, I'll keep making them."

"You have to be insane to eat that stuff." Bah stated, "No offense, Rizzo."

Everyone chuckled at that.

Not too far away from them Herb and Craig were talking.

"How will it affect the boys' chemistry?" Craig asked, as a new guy came skating down the ice.

"I don't know. We'll see." Herb shrugged.

Then Craig noticed the new boy, "Timmy!"

Tim Harrer stopped next to Herb, saying hello to the coaches.

"Who the hell is that?" Rizzo asked the rest of them.

"What's he doing here?" Bah added to that.

They heard Herbs voice speaking, "How you doing, Tim? Good to see you."

"Thanks." Harrer returned the guesture.

"Who's that?" the non-Minnessota guys asked again.

Bah decided to clear the confusion, "Timmy Harrer. Plays for the Gophers. Having a big year."

"What the hell's he doing here?" Jimmy asked angrily.

"No idea." Bah shrugged.

"Why's he here?" Rizzo repeated the question.

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