Press Conference

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Two days later, the miracle was made complete. The team defeated Finland to win the gold medal, coming from behind once again. As Herb watched them out there, celebrating on the ice, he realized that Patti had been right. It was a lot more than a hockey game. Not only for those who watched it, but for those who played in it. 

After the game they didn't have time to shower before Herb took them to a press conference. 

When asked how they were feeling Mark said: "I don't know about the other 20, I'm sure they're just, you know they can't believe it. We'll probably wake up tomorrow and still won't believe it. The feeling right now, I don't even know how to describe it. It's just unbelievable. I'll just sit here in awe."

He leaned back again to let the others do the talking.

"Well, that's the longest I've ever heard you talk.", Carly joked.

He put an arm around her: "Shut up."

Jimmy was next: "You know I wouldn't wanna go through this tournament again next week. It might have a different result. But, just thank god we won this thing.", he smiled proudly.

Then OC and Rizzo joined them. They had been held back to do a randomly selected drug test which they had to drink for. They had obviously chosen to drink beer and were now going crazy.

The whole team cheered as Jack O'Callahan climbed onto the table and cheered even louder than anyone else in the room.

One reporter asked them how they picked up hockey and he got interesting answers.

"Well, in Charlestown you either become a hockey player or a bank robber.", OC joked.

Silky grinned: "I can't do anything else."

"My dad's this guy. I don't think I had a choice.", Carly added pointing towards their Coach.

They continued with their questions: "Were there any annoying habits your teammates had? Especially you, Charlotte, since you're the only woman on the team."

Carly smirked at Rob MacClanahan who was laughing at the fact the reporter called her 'Charlotte': "Like Robbie's metricious stick taping. Been driving me crazy for years now."

Mac shot back at her: "Well, Charlotte over here is a nervous hummer."

Everybody laughed again as the team explained everything about their pranks.

"There were 3 am wake up calls, Koho lighting shoes on fire and talcum powder in your gloves.", they said.

Mac cut in: "And someone stole my Christmas tree and whoever it is I'm gonna have your ass!"

They had been the most immature group of juveniles but they had become a family.

When asked to give the reporters examples of Herbisms, Bah stepped up to the mic: "We went in, we went up to the tiger and spit in his eye and then we shot him."

The room broke out in laughter at that.

"Other than that we went to the well again the water was colder the water was deeper. For lack of a better phrase that just about wraps it up.", he finished leaving the whole room laughing.

Then Rizzo took his turn answering a question: "We came together again, like you said, six months ago from all parts of the United States. Different backgrounds, different ethnic beliefs and things like that and we gelled into a team. You know, the saddest thing is gonna be after we see the President tomorrow after that we just go. We go different ways and who knows if I'll ever see John Harrington or Dave Christian again."

Herb's often been asked in the years since Lake Placid what the best moment for him was. Well, it was the medal ceremony. The sight of young people of such differing backgrounds now standing as one. Young people willing to sacrifice so much of themselves all for an unknown.

A few years later, the US began using professional athletes at the games. Dream teams. Herb always found that term ironic because now that they have dream teams, they seldom ever get to dream. 

But on one weekend, as America and the world watched, a group of remarkable young players gave the nation what it needed most. 

A chance, for one night, not only to dream. But a chance, once again, to believe. 

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