Chapter 7 "A Family Gathering with the Team"

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When the team walked into the locker room Carly stopped in front of her stall, "What's all this shit?"

Mac laughingly leaned on her shoulders, saying, "Well, Carls. This is what we call a dress and heels."

"Gee, thanks for pointing that out, Mac. What's it doing here?" she asked, looking around the room.

After a second of thought Carly jumped up, "Shit. What day is it?"

"12th July. Why?" Rizzo explained.

Carly started pacing around the room, confusing the guys even more, "No. No , no, no, no, no."

"Yes, Carls. It's your grandmas birthday." Herb entered the locker room, clearing everything up.

"Damn it, dad. Why?" she hit her stall in frustration.

Herb leaned against a wall, "Listen, I don't like this any better than you do. But mom is making us do this at least once a year. Be glad it's only once." he scolded.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what the hell is going on?" OC piped up.

"Well, OC, it's time for the annual Brooks family gathering." Mac laughed, "Am I invited again?" 

"Smart ass." Carly sassed.

But they didn't expect what Herb said next, "Yeah, actually. Patti asked me to bring the whole team along." 

"Yes! Really?" Carly grinned at her dad, who just nodded with the same evil grin.

"Hold up, hold up. I ain't going to some family gathering that I'm not forced to be at." Verchota stated seriously.

A few guys agreed, "Me neither."

"Agreed." Rizzo said.

"Hey, come on guys. The food's great. We're at the lake, I got a couple hot cousins who'll bring friends and there's alcohol. What else do ya need?" Carly tried to pursuade them.

"Hey boys. See you've arrived in hell, too." Carly said as she spotted her teammates.

"Shared misery, I guess." Mac replied hugging her.

"Hey Carls, you look great." Rizzo continued.

Carly grinned at him, "Thanks. Ally's kind of a wizard like that.", she pointed at her older sister.

"I do what I can." Ally introduced herself to the guys.

"So how is this thing going down." Silky asked.

Carly kept it short and unenthusiastic, "Lots of chit chat, food, dancing, speeches all that jazz. And then we wait till it repeats again next year."

"So, this is your grandma's birthday party?" Mark Johnson asked.

"Yup. All the stuck up family shows up to these things." Carly smiled at him, "But who knows. It might be fun with you guys around."

"Ally! Carly! How wonderful to see you!" an older woman's squeaky voice came closer.

Carly grabbed her older sister's arm, turning her around, "Shit, I'm not ready for Erna."

"Pull yourself together, woman! It's easy just repeat after me: Hello, it's lovely to see you again." Ally responded to her clueless sister.

Carly and the guys just laughed at that, "Oh, I am not saying that. Who do you think you're talking to?"

Accepting this response, Ally just shrugged.

"Darlings. Oh, Ally, you look gorgeous." Erna went to kiss and hug Ally to death.

Then she turned towards Carly, "Carly, you dressed up nicely. That's a first." 

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